Create new bluej project and a new class named cashregister

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131565723

Basic Java Programs

Create a new BlueJ project and a new class named CashRegister. Write a program that allows the user to enter the quantity of pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, $1 bills, $5 bills, $10 bills, and $20 bills in a cash register. The program should then compute and display how much money is in coins, how much money is in bills, and the total amount of money. The money amounts should be reported in $dollars.cents format (see below).

Note: This is a long-ish program, but it's very repetitive! Make liberal use of copy+paste (Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V) to save yourself coding time

Here's an example of what your program might look like when you run it. The underlined portions indicate what you type in as the program is running.

Cash Register Buddy v1.0

Enter the quantity of:
Pennies: 57
Nickels: 12
Dimes: 83
Quarters: 68
$1 Bills: 45
$5 Bills: 30
$10 Bills: 52
$20 Bills: 17

Total in coins: $26.47
Total in bills: $1055.0
Grand total: $1081.47

Reference no: EM131565723

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