Create network performance metrics

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM131995829 , Length: word count:1500

Advanced Network Design Assignment - Human Factors in Network Analysis and Design

Purpose of the assessment (with ULO Mapping) - After successful completion of this assignment, students should be able to:

  • Apply concepts and theories of human factors as related to network design and implementation.
  • Compare performance metrics and dimensions according to specifications.

Assignment Description -

Objectives: You have been hired as an IT Consultant to design a network for a 24/7 Call Centre that requires installation and implementation of networking hardware/software. You are required to use the latest technologies which can accommodate their network load now and for another five years.

Task 1: It's difficult to build a solution if you don't know the requirements. Your task is to gather requirements (User, Application, Device and Network) to complete this project with the help of techniques such as Questionnaire, interview from Users or Call Centre Management staff. Students must discuss questionnaire/interview with tutor before finalizing all requirements.

Furthermore, with the help of diagram's and flow charts, categorize and discuss all requirements in groups and create an Assessment plan for the Call Centre network.

Task 2: Your task is to come up with a logical, efficient and scalable network design that is suitable for the 24/7 Call Centre. Analyze all requirements gathered in Task 1 and proposed suggestions accordingly. Create network performance metrics including (Bandwidth, Delay, Jitter, Packet loss, Utilization, uptime or responsiveness etc) and justify your proposed solution.

Your report should also include suggestions for a network analyzer for network diagnostics, monitoring and troubleshooting. Make sure you provide enough information that will allow IT technicians to build network infrastructure from scratch. The Company has allowed an adequate budget to purchase any networking device such as routers, switches, IP phones, access points, network cables etc yet obviously does not want to spend more than necessary.

Sections to be included in the report -

Task 1 -

Requirements Gathering - Requirements Gathering from for Users, Devices, Application and Network.

Technique used for collecting requirements in Task 1 - Clarity of Technique used in a way to collect maximum requirements.

Task 2 -

Network Design - Include a diagram of your designed network, and write justifications of your design.

Performance Metrics - Network performance metrics defined and justified

Reference style - Follow IEEE reference style.

Reference no: EM131995829

Questions Cloud

Explain the main sources of power within the organization : How can an effective leader empower his/her employees and why, from an overall organizational point of view, is employee empowerment significant?
What are issues that prompted a need for health care reform : What is your evaluation of the effectiveness of the U.S. health care system in the context of delivery, finance, management, and/or sustainability?
The current and futureconditionof the rapid urbanization : Analyze the SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat) of the Domino's Pizza Enterprises Limited with the trend of rapid urbanization.
What personal information are you communicating : Take a moment to reflect on the social media sites you access and subscribe to. What personal information are you communicating that could have implications.
Create network performance metrics : BN321 Advanced Network Design Assignment - Human Factors in Network Analysis and Design. Melbourne Institute Of Technology. Create network performance metrics
Create a table that discusses a practice guideline : Using the AGREE II instrument as your guide, create a table that discusses a practice guideline (HEALTH LITERACY) in which you might have questioned.
Evaluate three ways to deal constructively with complaints : Evaluate three ways to deal constructively with complaints and anger from fellow employees, management, and customers within an organization.
Reflect on your knowledge of resolving conflict : Identify how this information can be used to resolve conflict in the workplace in your current job or from a past incident you have experienced.
Differences between the different input and output devices : Discuss the differences between the different input and output devices, and what each one's benefits and limitations are



5/25/2018 2:39:28 AM

Subject: Computer Networking. No Of Pages/Words: 1200-1500. Hi i have uploaded my assignment please let me know the solution. Requirements gathered are concise and specific to the project. Demonstrated excellent ability to think critically and relevant to Assessment requirements. Network Design logic is clear and easy to follow with strong arguments. Performance metrics is concise and well related to assessment requirements. Clear styles with excellent source of references.


5/25/2018 2:39:24 AM

Submission Guidelines - All work must be submitted on Moodle by the due date along with a completed Assignment Cover Page. The assignment must be in MS Word format, 1.5 spacing, 11-pt Calibri (Body) font and 2 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings. Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using IEEE referencing style.

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