Reference no: EM13997742
Project: Word-Count With Fork and Pipes
Important Reminder: As per the course Academic Honesty Statement, cheating of any kind will minimally result in receiving an F letter grade for the entire course.
Aims of This Project - The aims of this project are as follows:
To get familiarity with creating processes under Unix.
To implement interprocess communication using anonymous pipes.
To gain experience with creating a multiple process IPC setup depending on dynamic parameters.
Project Specification
Write a program to output the N most frequently occurring words from one or more input files. Specifically, submit a prj2.tar.gz archive such that unpacking that archive into a directory and typing make within that directory builds a word-count executable which when invoked as:
$ ./word-count N STOP_WORDS FILE1...
outputs on standard output the N most frequently occurring words in one-or-more files FILE1... which are not in the file STOP_WORDS.
A word is a maximal sequence of characters for which the standard C library function isalnum() returns non-zero or is a single quote ' (apostrophe '\''). So is'nt will be treated as a single word.
Words which differ merely in case are regarded as identical.
The output should consist of N lines with each line containing a lower-cased word followed by a single space character followed by the count of that word across all files FILE1.... The lines should be sorted in non-increasing order by count; ties where words have the same count should be broken with the lexicographically greater word preceeding the lexicographically smaller word.
The program should handle files which do not necessarily end with newline.
If the arguments to word-count are in error, then the program should print a suitable error message on standard error and terminate.
The program should also detect any runtime errors (like memory allocation errors, I/O errors, process errors) and terminate after outputting a suitable error message on standard error.
The program must meet the following implementation restrictions:
The program may not directly or indirectly use any languages other than C.
The process started at program invocation must create a separate child processes for handling each of the files FILE1, FILE2, ..., FILEM. Child process i should return a count of the distinct words in FILEi to the parent process using anonymous pipes. The child processes should be allowed to execute concurrently, at least partially.
The parent process must combine the individual results from each file to produce the top N most frequently occurring words across all of FILE1, FILE2, ..., FILEM.
The program should not terminate until all child processes have terminated. This should be the case even if a child process fails with a runtime error.
The program may assume that all distinct words in all of FILE1... and their counts can fit within memory.
There should not be any implementation restrictions on the size of entities except those defined by available resources. Hence there should not be any restriction on the size of a word or a line.
Provided Files
The ./files directory contains the following: Makefile
This file assumes that the project is contained entirely within a main.c main program. It provides
the following targets:
This will build the word-count program.
This will clean out all generated files.
This will build the required prj2.tar.gz archive.
Typing simply make will build the word-count program, typing make clean will remove all generated files and typing make submit will create a prj2.tar.gz compressed archive which can be submitted.
You will probably use multiple source files for your project; please edit the Makefile accordingly. When editing, watch out for tabs (the first character of any command-line must be a tab character).
A template README; replace the XXX with your name, B-number and email. You may add any other information you believe is relevant to your project submission.
A driver with a dummy main() function to be filled-in by you.
You may choose to follow the following hints (they are not by any means required).
Before getting started, it is probably a good idea to review the fork(), wait() and pipe() systems calls as well as I/O redirection. Also decide on how you will dynamically create and track the necessary M pipes.
1. Use your solution to prj2 or the provided solution to create a function which given a data-structure containing the stop-words and the name of a data file outputs a word-count of the words in the data file on standard output.
2. Write a driver program in main.c. Make sure it prints appropriate error messages if given incorrect arguments.
3. When given a single data file, invoke the function from (1) on that data file.
4. When given multiple data files FILE1, ..., FILEM, invoke the function from (1) on each data file using a separate process. The output from the multiple child processes will be interspersed.
5. Ensure that the invoking process does not terminate until all parent processes have terminated.
6. Set up a single pipe per child process to send its results back to the parent rather than to standard output. Have the parent process simply copy the data from each child pipe's to standard output.
7. Change the parent to only output up to the top N words across all M data files.
8. Test and review your code until it meets all requirements.