Create method called left that accepts a array of characters

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131066993

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Modify the Strings array program.

Use correct documentation and add the appropriate test code in the main method to test your methods.

Create three methods, left, right and mid.

Create a method called left that accepts an array of characters and the number of characters to return.

This method should return a new array of characters with the number of of the characters passed.

For example

if you enter left("Hello", 2); // it returns He because those are the first 2 characters on the string

if you say right("Hello", 2); // It should return "lo" because those are the last 2 characters of the string

if you say mid("Hello", 2, 2); // It should return "ll", the first number is the beginning index and the second number the number of characters.

Reference no: EM131066993

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