Create logic for program that will produce count of readers

Assignment Help Software Engineering
Reference no: EM1363043

a. Daily Life Magazine wants an analysis of the demographic characteristics of its readers. The Marketing Department has collected reader survey records containing the age, gender, marital status, and annual income of readers. Design an application that accepts reader data and produces a count of readers by age groups as follows: under 20, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, and 50+

b. Create the logic for a program that would produce a count of readers by gender within age group - that is, under 20 females, under 20 males, etc.

c. Create the logic for a program that would produce a count of readers by income groups as follows: under $20,000, $20,000- $29,999, $30,000-$49,999, $50,000-$69,999, and $70,000 and up.

Reference no: EM1363043

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