Create logic circuit to decode dtmf-like keypad

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Reference no: EM1383573

Create the logic circuit which will decode a DTMF-like keypad. Keypad comprises of 16 keys, numbered 0 to 9, *, #, A, B, C, and D. Underneath keypad are four horizontal lines and four vertical lines. Horizontal lines are numbered 0 to 3, and vertical lines are numbered 4 to 7. When the vertical line is pressed against horizontal line, digital pattern is provided. So, when line 0 and line 4 are pressed together, pattern for 1 (0001) is displayed. When line 0 is pressed with line 4, pattern for *A (1010) is displayed. And for *, lines 0 and 7 are pressed to give (1110). Hence, 1111 would be #, meaning that lines 3 and 7 have been pressed.

Reference no: EM1383573

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