Create list of security issues which the firm must monitor

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM1386618

The new century clinic relates accepted your interface, output, input, and data designs and suggestions to install a server and 4 personal computers as clients on local area network. Network will include tape backup unit and internet access via modem which can exchange data with insurance companies. High speed laser printer and impact printer for multipart forms will be accessible by any of 4 PC's. now you will find out system architecture for new century systems.

1. You are eager to charge lower rate for ongoing support services as you designed system. You want New Century to use specific procedure for requesting assistance and changes, though, so that you can plan your activities efficiently. Create complete, written procedure for New Century Health Clinic maintenance change requests. Write suitable forms with your procedure.

2. What could be causing periodic slowdowns at New Century? If problem does exist, which performance and workload measures would you monitor to pinpoint problem?

3. At th end of systems analysis phase, you studied economic feasibility of system and estimated future costs and benefits. Now that system is operational, must those costs and benefits be monitored? Explain why or why not?

4. You decide to create security checklist for New Century. Create list of security issues which the firm must evaluate and monitor. Make sure to organize items into categories which match five security levels.

Reference no: EM1386618

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