Create links using jquery mobile data attribute

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131591819

Create links using jQuery Mobile data attribute, create a practice page that contains at least 3 links.

Your links must:

utilize the "listview" data-role.

be linked to another section of the application, or an external URL

submit a Microsoft Word document to the drop box that contains your name, a brief description of the assignment, and the URL you used for submission.

Reference no: EM131591819

Questions Cloud

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Explain why some people choose to become deviant : Using either Merton's Strain Theory or Becker's Labeling Theory, explain why some people choose to become deviant. Pick a current event and describe the crime.
How are operating expenses handled : How are operating expenses (not included in cost of goods sold) handled under the installment-sales method of accounting?
Create links using jquery mobile data attribute : Create links using jQuery Mobile data attribute, create a practice page that contains at least 3 links - be linked to another section of the application
Implementing an ehr system : For this assignment you will be exploring the history of the EHR, describing meaningful use and HIPAA requirements, analyzing the pros and cons of implementing.
Which one of these is most associated with an IRR : Which one of these is most associated with an IRR of -100 percent?
Describe the two methods for the cash received : Identify and briefly describe the two methods generally employed to account for the cash received in situations where the collection of the sales price.
What the benefits of keeping track of personal transactions : What are the benefits of keeping track of personal transactions - income and expenses - in an organized manner


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