Create link invisible to begin-display after submit button

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM1383878

Rough Riders Rodeo wishes to sell tickets online. Permit the user to enter number of tickets needed. Data entry screen should also comprise shipping address for tickets, a credit card number, expiration date, and drop-down box oermitting user to choose the type of credit card. Also include check box for attending Awards Event. Include hyperlink for confirming the order. Create link invisible to begin but display it after Submit button has been clicked. Confirmation page should say "Thank you for your order".

Tickets are $15 for just rodeo, $25 if they want to attend awards event. Note that all members of party should choose the same type of tickets.

When user chooses the Submit button, show amount due and display a link to confirm order(make the existing link visible) Use and UpdatePanel to enhance performance.

Reference no: EM1383878

Questions Cloud

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