Create gui which allow for input and display of student data

Assignment Help PL-SQL Programming
Reference no: EM131935102

Lab Assigmnent- Database Connectivity


• Programmatic access to a MySQL database to add and display records

PROBLEM: Student Management System

A teacher needs the ability to store and retrieve student data. This includes

• student name;
• three test scores;
• average; and
• letter grade.


You can code the GUI by hand or use NetBeans GUI builder interface.

Create a GUI which allows for input and display of student data.

It should include buttons to save a record, display all records.

Create a database and table to store student name and three test scores. (Note that average and grade are calculated by app.)

Student class

Create a Student class to manage the student data. It should have private instance variables of

• student name; and
• three test scores.

The class must have the following methods.

• A default and parameterized constructor
• Sets/gets for all instance variables
• A get method to calculate and return the average
• A get method to calculate and return the letter grade
• toString to display the name of the student

Student DB Class

Create a StudentDB class that is used to create a connection and interface with the database.

This class should have two methods.

• getAll-reads data from database, returns data in an arraylist of student objects
• add-writes a record to the database

GUI class

Insert button will take the info from the GUI (student name and three test scores) and insert a record into the table. Input should be cleared from the textboxes.

Display button will read the data from the database and creates a report in Console window, sample format below.

Name Test1 Test2 Test3 Avg Grade
Bruce Wayne 90 95 98 94.3 A
Clark Kent 65 70 90 75.0 C

Attachment:- Lab-Report-Template.rar

Reference no: EM131935102

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