Create function to rotate the array

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM132084316

Note: This is an introduction course for Java. Please be considerate.

Problem :

Write a program that allows users to input an integer for the size of an array. Randomly generate an integer for each element of the array. Next, create function to rotate the array .

Rotation of the array means that each element is shifted right or left by one index, and the last element of the array is also moved to the first place.

For example:

Enter the number of slots needs in the array: 8

This is element of your array: 91 57 18 96 16 49 31 83

Which direction to shift R/L : R

How many times: 2

This is element of your array: 31 83 91 57 18 96 16 49

For example:

Enter the number of slots needs in the array: 3

This is element of your array: 31 83 91

Which direction to shift R/L : L

How many times: 2

This is element of your array: 91 31 83

Please do not use any advanced syntax. This is an introduction course.

Reference no: EM132084316

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