Create forum thread evaluating slds

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Reference no: EM133190827

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In this unit, you read about changes over time in the procedures for evaluating SLDs. Recently, most states changed their existing rules and regulations to include an RTI model, which identifies three levels of intervention or teaching to facilitate learning for all students. Subsequently, it became important to determine tests or assessments, which would provide monitoring or progress within each level of instructional intervention. However, this model for teaching has now been utilized as a method for identifying students as having a learning disability.

You were also introduced to a number of diagnostic measures for monitoring progress, which included nationally standardized tests, as well as locally normed standardized measurement procedures called CBM. In addition, the authors of your Psychological Testing and Assessment text presented several questions or concerns regarding the use of diagnostic tests when working with individuals suspected as having a learning disability.

Based on your unit readings, complete the following for this discussion:

  • Outline the concerns that may exist with using an RTI model when identifying students suspected as having a learning disability.
  • Identify some of the limitations or concerns that may result from using diagnostic tests (both nationally standardized and CBM) when working with all students, as well as students suspected as having a learning disability.
  • Identify some of the strengths in using these tests or measurements for progress monitoring.
  • Summarize this information and present a recommendation for the use of the RTI model, nationally standardized diagnostic tests, locally normed CBM, and intelligence and academic achievement tests, and their role in monitoring educational progress and identification of a learning disability.

Be sure to cite specific AERA standards for educational testing and assessment that have direct bearing on this discussion; in particular, assessments serving multiple purposes, and informing teaching and learning.


Respond to the posts of at least two other learners.


This activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

  • Investigate testing from the perspective of test takers.
  • Analyze applications of testing for different purposes and populations.
  • Apply writing and citations skills appropriate for doctoral-level learners.

Reference no: EM133190827

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