Create erd for each of the given descriptions

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131529013

Question: Create a Crow's Foot ERD for each of the following descriptions. (Note that the word many merely means more than one in the database modeling environment.)

a. Each of the MegaCo Corporation's divisions is composed of many departments. Each department has many employees assigned to it, but each employee works for only one department. Each department is managed by one employee, and each of those managers can manage only one department at a time.

b. During some period of time, a customer can download many ebooks from BooksOnline. Each of the ebooks can be downloaded by many customers during that period of time.

c. An airliner can be assigned to fly many flights, but each flight is flown by only one airliner.

d. The KwikTite Corporation operates many factories. Each factory is located in a region, and each region can be "home" to many of KwikTite's factories. Each factory has many employees, but each employee is employed by only one factory.

e. An employee may have earned many degrees, and each degree may have been earned by many employees.

Reference no: EM131529013

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