Create dynamic user-interface elements

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM131302735


Through portfolio development, the student has to design and develop a website. This will enhance the learning experience of the student as he/she completes all the mini tasks of developing a complete website.

- Design and implement dynamic web pages using JavaScript.
- Design and evaluate websites.
- Use web development software to construct dynamic web pages.
- Work with libraries to manage repeating site elements.
- Create dynamic user-interface elements, including simple rollovers and complex navigation bars.

Task 1:

Read the following scenario, understand and design a portfolio.


As a developer you are hired to develop an e-portfolio for Grand Mosque of Oman website. Your task is to create a dynamic website using JavaScript and Database connectivity. Welcome or Main page should contain Frames to give a good Look & Feel for the website at least one JavaScript should be used (interaction or date and time etc.). Events page should contain tables giving the events (training/workshop etc.) that were held by the mosque to promote Islamic knowledge having appropriate JavaScript. Timings page should give the visitor about the opening and closing timings of the mosque along with appropriate Java Script. Gallery page must display the visitor with the photos and Videos of the mosque. Attractions page display the mostly liked artefacts in the mosque by visitors at least 4 artefacts of your choice should be displayed having at least one JavaScript. Facilities page talks about the facilities that the visitors would be having while touring the mosque. Contact us page can give information how to reach mosque and maps can be used as well as the email to the member of the staff to get information. For Testimonial page connects with database as the user will be getting the information about the testimonial posted by different visitors. Field validation is required.

Site Details:

- A Welcome or Main Page which has the list of the following pages:
- Events
- Timings
- Gallery
- Attractions
- Facilities
- Contact Us
- Testimonials

Task 2:
Evaluate the full website you should mention the following criteria in evaluating the website.
- Strategy & Credibility
- Look & feel
- Usability & Readability
- Traffic & Suggestions to improve the system

Task 3:

A report need to be submitted in an MSWord document having the following things:

a. Understanding of deliverables - a detail description of deliverables.

b. General overview of proposed plan - initial understanding of solution to task1 and task 2.

c. Resources identified.

d. The work proposal must be submitted in a word file through the link available in Moodle.

Reference no: EM131302735

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12/6/2016 4:22:31 AM

Task 1 A Welcome or Main Page (text, links, graphics, layout, js) Events (text, links, graphics, layout,table, js) Timings (text, links, graphics, layout,table, js) Gallery (text, links, video, graphics, layout, js) Attractions (text, links, graphics, layout, table js) Facilities (text, links, graphics, tablelayout, js) Contact Us (text, links, graphics, layout, map, email, js) 6-7 Marks Marks (7) Like professional output in mostly common browsers Like professional output in mostly common browsers Like professional output in mostly common browsers Like professional output in mostly common browsers Like professional output in mostly common browsers Like professional output in mostly common browsers Like professional output in mostly common browsers

Write a Review

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  How architectural and protocol changes occur

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Discuss how can a business use the Internet and give at least three examples with web links demonstrating your answer.

  It influences the behavior of organizations

Information technology influences the behavior of organizations. Name one effect of Information technology implementation and long-term usage you suppose having a positive contribution and one having a negative consequence.

  Importance of a guided navigation system

Explain the use and importance of a guided navigation system and shopping cart for a website designed for e-commerce and business purpose.

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