Create different types of media methods for the products

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131456887

Purpose of Assignment

All products/services go through a life cycle of NPI (new product introduction), growth, maturity and decline. These various stages affect the marketing strategy and promotional efforts. In Week 3, you will incorporate a product strategy that addresses at least 3 areas of the product life cycle.

The primary objective of this assignment is to allow the student to demonstrate an understanding of the factors that can affect the launch of a product or service.

A secondary objective is to understand the differences in a product launch in the U.S. (domestic market) and an international market.

Assignment Steps

Generate a minimum 700-word product strategy in Microsoft® Word.

Incorporate a product strategy that addresses the following:

• At least three areas of the product life cycle (NPI-new product introduction, growth, maturity and decline).

• How you will measure (what metrics will be used to determine success or failure) the marketing activities.

• Create at least two different types of media methods for the products. One media method must be a print method and one must be non-print. A media method is a media strategy which highlights your product.

For example, (this cannot be used in this assignment), a non-print media method would be a Facebook campaign that provides a user a reward for each review, positive or negative, posted about the use/appearance/price/etc. of the product.

In your assignment, you should have 2-3 sentences about each media method (i.e. one paragraph of what you would do, not how to do it).

• Address three elements of the Product and Promotion List (see below).

o Product and Promotion List:

Integrated Marketing Communication

Advertising Strategy/Objectives

Push and Pull

Media Strategy

Advertising Execution

Direct Marketing

Public Relations/Strategies


The plan will be a continuation of your global or multi-regional company you chose in Week 1. This will be incorporated into your overall marketing plan for Week 6.

Note: Charts/graphs/tables do not count toward the word count.

Cite a minimum of three peer-reviewed references.

Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines.

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Reference no: EM131456887

Questions Cloud

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Create different types of media methods for the products : Create at least two different types of media methods for the products. One media method must be a print method and one must be non-print.
Where can you find evidence to inform your thoughts : Where can you find evidence to inform your thought and scholarly writing? Throughout your degree program, you will use the research literature to explore ideas.
Respond to discussion - danielle chest congestion and cough : HCS316: It is treated by some Italian-Americans by making a hot tea consisting of lemons, dried ginger, honey, sugar, and a little of a favorite liqueur (Use of Herbs, 2012).
Actuarial equivalent to the interest : Calculate the discount rate, d that is actuarially equivalent to the interest i used in the above two perpetuities.
Identify the four quadrants orbusiness units of bcg matrix : Identify the four (4) quadrants/business units of the BCG Matrix and provide a brief explanation of each.


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