Create derived class by inheriting tthe class

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM1356445

Objective: Create a derived class named FancyDateClass by inheriting the DateClass. You will have to provide both the class definition and implementation.

Create a new Visual Studio project and source code file.
Copy and paste the DateClass declaration & definition from last week's walkthrough into the source code file.
Implement the following public member functions of FancyDateClass.

Do not add any any additional members to either the DateClass or FancyDateClass. Use only the members listed in the lab assignment.
As you work on the following functions of the derived class you will notice that you must access the day, month and year members of the base class. These member variables are private so they can not be directly accessed in the derived class. To access these member you must use the base class accessor function getDate.

Begin work on this program by first creating the derived class declaration. Then code and test the parameterized constructor function. Code and test only one function at a time. To avoid compiler complaints, comment out the member function prototypes in the derived class declaration that have not yet been completed. Fancy Date Class Public Member Function Specification

string toString(void) This function will return the date members of the base class in the following string format mm/dd/year.

Reference no: EM1356445

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