Create database schema use insert update and delete commands

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131036655

Creating the database schema, use Insert, Update, and Delete commands

After creating the database schema, use Insert, Update, and Delete commands to populate the tables with the following information. Notice that the values for the primary key columns (ClassId in the Classes table, AdvisorId in the Advisors table and StudentId in the Students table) are not listed. It is assumed that they will be "Identity" or "Auto-increment" columns and the DBMS will determine the proper identity value when the row is inserted.

You may have to either modify your original data types for some of your table columns or modify the values below to fit your data types. For example, if you defined your gender column to be a 1-character column, you will need to use the values M or F instead of Male and Female. The IsActive column is another column that may require different values, depending on the type of DBMS used.

1. Insert the following classes' records:



ACCT306Accounting 1This course introduces accounting concepts and explores the accounting environment. It covers the basic structure of accounting, how to maintain accounts, use account balances to prepare financial statements, and complete the accounting cycle. It also introduces the concept of internal control and how to account for assets.CS362Structured Query Language for Data ManagementThis course gives complete coverage of SQL, with an emphasis on storage, retrieval, and manipulation of data.ENG115English CompositionIn this course, students focus on developing writing skills through practice and revision. Students will examine expository, critical, and persuasive essay techniques.FIN322InvestmentsThis course focuses on investments and investment strategies. Various investment vehicles such as stocks, bonds, and commodities are examined. Students will explore the principles of security analysis and valuation.

2. Insert the following advisors' records:

NameEmailFred [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

3. Insert the following students' records:

NameBirthdateGenderStartDateGPAIsActiveBioAdvisorIDCraig Franklin1970-03-15Male2010-05-303.10Yes 3Harriet Smith1982-04-15Female2010-05-303.22Yes 1George David1984-11-05Male2010-10-010.00Yes 3Ben Jefferson1976-09-25Male2009-02-211.80NoThe student has gone on temporary leave to pursue other opportunities but plans on returning in 1 year.3

4. Delete the course named Investments from the system.

5. Change Harriet Smith's birthdate to April 25, 1982 and her GPA to 3.25.

Copy and paste the work into your Key Homework document and include screen shots of each step, describe what you did for each step and paste in the actual SQL text used to perform each step. Give an introduction explaining the essential of these commands in relation to your overall Key Homework.

Reference no: EM131036655

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