Create data flow diagrams such as sequence diagram

Assignment Help Software Engineering
Reference no: EM133765445 , Length: word count:2000 + PPT

Advanced Software Engineering

Assessment: Introduction

This is a group assessment. The group will be comprised of 4 - 5 students. Select one of the assessment reports from the group for this assessment. Your group will apply advanced design principles and employ tools to design a complex software system. Each group will submit a report and recorded presentation.

Students are to generate UML diagrams to understand the code. The following links may be useful.
Doxygen homepage

You will also create data flow diagrams such as Sequence Diagrams or Flow charts. Discuss and evaluate the at least four (4) key design decisions in the GitHub Project with reference to your UML diagrams. Your discussion and evaluation should include an alternative design and performance issues.

Below are the format requirements for the report.
Title Page (all group members and their student numbers)
System Description and Requirements
UML Diagram (class diagrams, object diagrams, etc) Discussion and Evaluation
Data Flow Diagrams Discussion and Evaluation
Appendices (if needed)
Other Diagrams
Task Management

Python programming language for programming
Disco, Slack, Discord, Team for team communication for work location and schedule

Students are required to read the lecture note before attempting the assessment. Mark will be penalized if the diagram and definition in the report is different from what has been taught. Unless the section is not covered in the lecture, students can use external resources with citation and referencing. In this assessment, students are required to write a program based on the functional requirements in the report.

Reference no: EM133765445

Questions Cloud

How can planning help prepare for record requests : How can planning help prepare for record requests? Be sure to use in-text citations to reference the course materials you use to create your post.
Symptoms of Parkinson disease : The health care provider has ordered carbidopa-levodopa for a client to treat their symptoms of Parkinson disease.
Embracing empowerment in your workplace : Discuss the challenges you faced in embracing empowerment in your workplace.
What proportion of respondents are missing information : How many people in this sample have breast cancer? What proportion? What proportion of respondents are missing information for household income?
Create data flow diagrams such as sequence diagram : Create data flow diagrams such as Sequence Diagrams or Flow charts. Discuss and evaluate the at least four (4) key design decisions in the GitHub Project
What are components of civilization and what are its benefit : What are the components of civilization and what are its benefits? Is there a difference between civilization and culture in short?
Think about these two milestones you experienced : Think about these two milestones you experienced or overcame using reflective practice.
Describe barriers to advancement that currently exist : Describe barriers to advancement that currently exist in your state and explain how nursing advocates in your state overcome these barriers.
What are the patients potential medical diagnoses : Based on the patient's subjective and objective data, what are the patient's potential medical diagnoses?


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