Create customer-drive culture

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133107025

Students will conduct an interview with the Sales Manager of a business of your choosing.

You will need to plan ahead for this project.

Your interview should include basic information about the business, including size, key competitors, number of salespeople, number of support personnel for the sales team, at typical day in the life of their sales associates, etc.

During the interview, you should also discuss with the Sales Manager the following areas of Sales Management:

How they create a customer-drive culture;

Their recruiting, hiring and retention program for their salesforce;

Their training, coaching and incentive programs;

How they leverage technology in the sales management process;

In addition, your interview should investigate on the interviewee's specific role as Sales Manager and their interaction with their salesforce, including topics like:

What is their particular leadership style;

How they prepare their salesforce for change through mentoring and coaching;

How they establish trust with their salesforce;

How they maintain motivation and enthusiasm among their salesforce;

Metrics used to measure salesforce effectiveness;

How they evaluate individual salesperson performance;

Reference no: EM133107025

Questions Cloud

Corporate social responsibility : Quote the statement and describe what this means in your own words. Describe how the new plans will affect the organization, both internally and externally.
Stereotypes in minority group : Stereotypes in the minority group. Issues that multiracial or multiethnic individuals may face. Leveling the playing field.
Taking four measures of success into consideration : Taking the four measures of success into consideration, how does your project fare under each measure?
What techniques were used to effectively gather requirements : What techniques were used to effectively gather requirements? How did your project manager ensure that the requirements were accurate and thorough?
Create customer-drive culture : How they create a customer-drive culture. Their training, coaching and incentive programs. What is their particular leadership style;
Idea of what integrity means in our head : We each have an idea of what integrity means in our head, but actually defining this concept is rather difficult. What does integrity mean to you?
Company use of social media : Give some advantages and disadvantages to this company's use of social media.
Influence reliability of time-series forecasts : Describe the factors that influence the reliability of time-series forecasts. Describe the differences between the forecasting methods that can be used.
Workplace expectations between different generational cohort : What is your impression of different generations in the workplace? Have you observed differences in workplace expectations between different generational cohort


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