Create constructor methods-methods to manipulate the data

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131596749

Programming and Logic I
Project 2: Credit Card

Your CreditCard class should contain three data fields and methods to set, get and manipulate these fields. In this project, you will create constructor methods, methods to manipulate the data, and modify a test program.

Files to Submit:


You currently have three fields: customerName, accountNumber, accountBalance.

Add a private static double field called MINIMUM_PAYMENT_PERCENTAGEand make it equal to .02. This will help calculate the minimum payment due.

Add a private static double field called MINIMUM_PAYMENTand make it equal to 20.0. This will help calculate the minimum payment due.

Constructor Methods

Create a constructor for the CreditCard class that defines two parameters: one for the accountNumber and one for the customerName. Set accountBalance to a default value.

Create a constructor for the CreditCard class that defines three parameters for all three fields and set them to these values.


Create a method called calcMinimumPayment() that calculates and returns a double: the minimum the customer is required to pay. If the customer's balance is less than MINIMUM_PAYMENT, then the account balance is their minimum payment due. If the balance is more then the minimum payment, multiply it by the the minimum payment percentage. If this calculated value is less than MINIMUM_PAYMENT, then they pay the minimum payment, else their minimum payment is their balance multiplied by the minimum payment percentage.

Consier the minimum payment of $20. If customer's balance is $15, this is less than the card's minumum payment, so they owe the full $15.

If the customer's balance is $25, this is more than the minumum payment. Multiplying this by the minimum payment percentage (.02) gives you $0.50, much less than this card's minimum payment so the customer owes the minumum amount: $20.

If the customer's balance is $2500, this is more than the minimum payment. Multiplying this by the minimum payment percentage (.02) gives you $50. This is more than the minimum payment, so the customer owes $50.

Create a method called printAccount() that prints the account information to standard output. It should print the customer's account number (to 9 digits with leadings 0s filled in), customer name, the current balance and the minimum amount due. See screen show below for an example. Use printf for formatting.


The program TestCreditCard is provided to begin testing your class. This class defines a CreditCard object with a constructor method that contains values for name and account number. Charges are made and payments are made and the account is printed out.

The end of the main method contains two commented out lines of code. The first is a call to a method you will create that returns a CreditCard object created with values from the contents of a file. The second line of code is that account printed out.

Create a method in TestCreditCard called createAccountFromFile() that will read data from a file and create, populate and return a CreditCard object. The file it will read from is calledaccount1.txt, which is provided.Hard code the name of the file in the method. The first line of this file contains an account number. The second line of this file contains the customer name for this account. The subsequent lines contain "charges" for this account, one per line. The file provided has six "charges" corresponding to six lines of numbers, but the amount of charges will be different for each account. A loop is required to get all these"charges". Use the Scanner's hasNext() method to loop through this part of the file. The CreditCard object created should be returned from this method and this method will define no parameters.

When you have completed this method, uncomment out the two lines of code to test the method.


Continue documenting all the methods in the CreditCard class.

Attachment:- Java Assignment.rar

Reference no: EM131596749

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