Create conceptual representation of creativity is permitted

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Reference no: EM133622070

Assignment: Making Creativity- Creativity and Innovation in Business

Learning Objectives

A. Understand scholarly definitions of creativity.
B. Develop creativity and innovation skills through a digital activity.
C. Interact with classmates to share ideas and learn from each other.
D. Practice sharing and explaining creative ideas to an audience.


For this exercise, you will use Bing Chatto make a conceptual representation of creativity. Before beginning the assignment, you will have explored scholarly definitions of creativity through two assigned readings: "The Standard Definition of Creativity" and "Beyond Big and Little: The Four-C Model of Creativity." Please achieve reading comprehension prior to starting this exercise.


The key deliverables for this exercise are:

A. Aconceptual representation that expresses creativity in a novel and effective manner.

B. A written elaboration that explains how the conceptual representation expresses creativity with quotes from the assigned readings integrated.

C. Affirmative comments on classmates' posts.

Artificial Intelligence

Use of Bing Chat to create a conceptual representation of creativity is permitted for this assignment. However, you are required to create the idea for the image and prompt. Any other use of artificial intelligence is strictly prohibited. For example, using artificial intelligence to generate the written elaboration or comments upon other classmates' submissions will activate Sheridan's academic integrity process.


A. Reflect upon the Standard Definition of Creativity and the 4CsModel, consider:

1. Generating as many examples of each of the 4Cs as possible

2. Generating as many associations with creativity as possible

3. Generating visual metaphors that express creativity as possible

B. Select one or two options that are particularly novel and effective:

1. The design idea should be novel-it expresses creativity in an unexpectedor original manner.

2. The design idea should be effective-the audience can understand and appreciate how it expresses creativity.

C. Draft text-to-image prompts for Bing Chat.

1. For instructions on how to use Bing Image Creator visit this link.Microsoft recommends using a descriptive structure. Consider using adjective + noun + verb + style for your prompt. When developing a prompt, omit the bracketed words that are included in the samples below.

Groovy (adjective) English Cocker Spaniel Puppy (noun) chilling in a hammock (verb) in Cuban Cubism style (style).

Adventurous (adjective) professor (noun) wearing a jetpack and steampunk safety goggles (verb) in digital art style (style).

D. Enter your prompts and make multiple iterations.

E. Select the most novel and effective conceptual representation of creativity. Write a paragraph or two that elaborates upon the ideas informing the design.

F. Post your conceptual representation and elaboration to the discussion forum on SLATE.

G. Read your classmates' posts. Provide at least two affirmative replies on classmates' posts that comment upon the effectiveness and novelty of the designs.

Reference no: EM133622070

Questions Cloud

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What you learn about african-americans during reconstruction : What did you learn about African-Americans during Reconstruction that you did not know before? What elements of do you believe should be required learning?
Evaluated based only on their individual efforts : Should associates be required to work in teams if they prefer not to do so-that is, if they prefer to be evaluated based only on their individual efforts?
Create conceptual representation of creativity is permitted : Create a conceptual representation of creativity is permitted for this assignment. However, you are required to create the idea for the image and prompt.
Principal consultants and attach sustainability policy : Prepare a formal covering email to the principal consultants and attach the sustainability policy you have developed.
Strategizing for distribution and logistics planning : Using any relevant examples, examine the considerations that organizations should consider when strategizing for distribution and logistics planning.
Affinity diagrams in managing project quality : With reference to relevant examples, advise project managers on the significance of tree diagrams and affinity diagrams in managing project quality.
Any disabled students in room identify themselves : You hear that George Professor requested aloud to his class that any disabled students in the room identify themselves, by holding up their hands,


Write a Review

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