Create code to append a bid to the end of the list

Assignment Help Computer Engineering
Reference no: EM133486364

Homework: Information from A Municipal Government Data Project


The focus of these problems will be working with information extracted from a municipal government data feed containing bids submitted for auction of property. All materials for this homework can be found in the Supporting Materials section below. The data set is provided in two comma-separated files:

• eBid_Monthly_Sales.csv (larger set of 12,023 bids)
• eBid_Monthly_Sales_Dec_2016.csv (smaller set of 76 bids)

This homework is designed to explore linked lists, so you will implement a singly linked list to hold a collection of bids loaded from a CSV file. We provide a starter console program that uses a menu to enable testing of the sort logic you will complete. In this version, the following menu is presented when the program is run:


• Enter a Bid
• Load Bids
• Display All Bids
• Find Bid
• Remove Bid
• Exit

Enter choice:

The LinkedList.cpp program is partially completed. It contains empty methods representing the programming interface used to interact with the linked list. You will need to add logic to the methods to implement the necessary behavior. Here is the public API for LinkedList.cpp that you have to complete:

virtual ~LinkedList();
void Append(Bid bid);
void Prepend(Bid bid);
void PrintList();
void Remove(string bidId);
Bid Search(string bidId);


You will need to perform the following steps to complete this activity:

Setup: Begin by creating a new C++ project with a project type of "Hello World C++ Project".

A. Name the project "LinkedList". Remember to pick the correct compiler in Toolchains and click Finish. This will create a simple LinkedList.cpp source file under the /src directory.

B. Download the starter program files and copy them to the project's /src directory, replacing the existing auto-generated ones. Remember to right-click on the project in the Project Explorer pane on the left and Refresh the project so it adds all the new files to the src folder underneath.

C. Because this activity uses C++ 11 features, you may need to add the -std=c++11 compiler switch to the miscellaneous settings.

• Task I: Internal structure for list entries, housekeeping variables. Create the structure, internal to the class, that will hold the bid entries. Consider what other variables are needed to help manage the list.

• Task II: Initialize housekeeping variables. Remember to initialize the housekeeping variables in the constructor.

• Task III: Implement append logic. Create code to append a bid to the end of the list.

• Task IV: Implement prepend logic. Create code to prepend a bid to the front of the list.

• Task V: Implement print logic. Create code to print all the bid entries in the list to the console.

• Task VI: Implement remove logic. Create code to remove the requested bid using the bid ID passed in.

• Task VII: Implement search logic. Create code to search for the requested bid using the bid ID passed in. Return the bid structure if found or an empty bid structure if not found.

Your homework submission must address the following:

A. Code Reflection: A brief explanation of the code and its purpose, and a brief discussion of your experience in developing it, including any issues that you encountered while completing the exercise and what approaches you took to solve them

B. Pseudocode or Flowchart: A pseudocode or flowchart description of the code that is clear and understandable and captures accurate logic to translate to the programming language

C. Specifications and Correctness: Source code must meet its specifications and behave as desired. Correct code produces the correct output as defined by the data and problem; however, you should also produce fully functioning code (with no errors) that aligns with as many of the specifications as possible. You should write your code in such a way that the submitted file executes, even if it does not produce the correct output. You will be given credit for partially correct output that can be viewed and seen to be partially correct.

D. Annotation / Documentation: All code should also be well-commented. This is a practiced art that requires striking a balance between commenting everything, which adds a great deal of unneeded noise to the code, and commenting nothing. Well-annotated code requires you to:

a. Explain the purpose of lines or sections of your code, detailing the approach and method you took to achieve a specific task in the code.

b. Document any section of code that is producing errors or incorrect results.

E. Modular and Reusable: Programmers should develop code that is modular and reusable. If it contains functionality and responsibility in distinct methods, code is more flexible and maintainable. Your code should adhere to the single responsibility principle-classes and methods should do only one job. If you can replace a method with another that uses a different technique or implementation without impacting (having to refactor or rewrite) other parts of your code, then you have succeeded in creating modular methods.

F. Readability: Code needs to be readable to a knowledgeable programmer. In this course, readable code requires:

a. Consistent, appropriate whitespace (blank lines, spaces) and indentation to separate distinct parts of the code and operations

b. Explicit, consistent variable names, which should clearly indicate the data they hold and be formatted consistently: for example, numOrders (camelCase) or item_cost (underscored)

c. Organized structure and clear design that separates components with different responsibilities or grouping-related code into blocks

Reference no: EM133486364

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