Create class uses element array of digits to store integers

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM1362908

Create a class HugeInteger which uses a 40-element array of digits to store integers as large as 40 digits each. Provide methods input, output, add and subtract. For comparing HugeInteger objects, provide the following methods: isEqualTo, isNotEqualTo, isGreaterThan, isLessThan, isGreaterThanOrEqualTo and isLessThanOrEqualTo. Each of these is a predicate method that returns true if the relationship holds between the two HugeInteger objects and returns false if the relationship does not hold. Provide a predicate method isZero. If you feel ambitious, also provide methods multiply, divide, and remainder. Primitive boolean values can be output as the word "true" or the word "false" with format specifier %b.

Reference no: EM1362908

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