Create class called hospital and add all relevant attributes

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13852593


1. Create a class called Hospital and add all the relevant attributes for the created class.

2. Create a User's super class that contains all the properties common to the all the users that will be using the Hospital patient billing system.

3. Create the three different users classes for users objects that could be added to the hospital. One of the classes is Patient.

4. Inherit from the User superclass and overload the constructors in the child classes (e.g. Patient etc.)

5. Create a patient and Doctors arrays in the Hospital class (Aggregation relationship)

6. In the User class, create methods to add, count and remove users from the hospital. (Abstraction)

7. Create a class containing the main method and call it Driver in which you create two hospital objects.

 8. Use the add method(s) of the User class to add users created by the user from input (using abstraction) (Hint: to add a user the user have to type the user's name from the keyboard)

9. Create an interface called Bill to declare all the methods that are necessary to calculate the Registration fee needed to be paid by patient, Total bill after treatment and pending bill to be paid by a patient before the patient is discharged. Implement the Bill interface in the class called Hospital_Bills.

10. Modify the Hospital class such that it takes advantage of the inheritance provided in the preceding steps through polymorphism.


The source code will be marked according to the following indicators.

1. Good modular design within same program file.

2. Good modular design of the project (Classes in different program files).

3. Good comments.

4. Ability to explain a portion of the code as may be required by the evaluator.

5. Working code.



The features described in this section are not mandatory but will fetch additional marks. Only one extra feature can be assessed, therefore if you implement more than one extra feature you will have to decide which one is to be assessed. Should you implement an extra feature then ensure that you can explain it.

1. Exception Handling.
2. Storing data to and reading data from a file (e.g. text file).
3. The use of GUI in your application.

Reference no: EM13852593

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