Reference no: EM131263587
Make sure that all charts have a proper title, have the field symbols hidden, have the units properly formatted (if currency), and have no extraneous elements (unneeded legends, etc.). You will use the data warehouse generated from the system on 10.21.2016 (the file will be 10.21.2016.accdb).
1. Create a chart showing your cumulative revenue to date per product.
2. Create a chart showing your quarterly revenue for each product.
3. Create a chart showing your daily revenue for quarters 1 and 2. (Since this chart is showing daily values, represent this as a line chart.)
4. Create a chart showing your cumulative revenue to date per region of the country.
5. Modify chart 4 so that it shows this data per quarter for all quarters to date. (Summarize the data at the quarterly level.)
6. Create a chart showing your daily cumulative net income. (Hint: see note on chart 3.)
7. Create a chart showing your daily cumulative cost of goods sold.
8. Create a chart that compares the Total Finished Products Produced and the Total Finished Products Sold on a daily basis for quarters 1 and 2.
9. Create a chart that shows the daily inventory levels for all products. (Note that this chart is likely very hard to read.)
10. Change chart 9 so that it just focuses on two products with an interesting inventory history.
11. Create a chart that shows your daily production for quarters 1 and 2.
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Isoquants for the production function
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Create chart showing your quarterly revenue for each product
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Describe key elements of an information system for an mco
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Define the pseudo-inverse of a rectangular matrix a
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