Create business development proposal and reflection report

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133335510 , Length: word count:12000


1. Business Development Proposal
2. Research Reflection Report

Structure for the Existing Business

1. Introduction
(Approximate Word count 1500)
Background of the study

Rationale of the chosen topic

Research Aim & Research Objectives

Research Questions

Summary of the Key Theories and Models applied

Proposed Business Objectives & Time Scales


2. Literature Review
(Approximate Word count 3500)
Introduction to the Proposed Business Development Idea
Explain the proposed business development idea through the selected company.
Justify your selection with the criteria for evaluation

Critical review of relevant literature &
relevant theories / models
Find relevant literature in terms of the following areas and provide your critical Review in terms of the following :
• Evolvement of the company and its current status
• Industry
• Market
• Product or Service
• Technology
• Finance
• Legal /Ethical

You need to understand the nature of new business development within an existing corporation, the process, and key factors that need to be taken into account, as well as the analysis of the actual sector/industry that you want to propose. The former is about ‘theories', the latter is about ‘their implementation of those theories '

3. Research Methodologies
(Approximate Word count 2000)
Research background statement
Explain your research scope.

Overall Research Design
Explain and justify the following which best fits you study

Research Approach
Research Design
Research Strategy
Research Instruments
Sampling Plan (if applicable only)
Data Types & Data Collection Methods

4. Data / Results analysis
(Approximate Word count 3500)
Data analysis in terms of the proposed business idea.

Macro environment Analysis
With the aid of the secondary data gathered from the public domain, analyze the Macro environment to showcase the opportunities available for the proposed business development option.

When doing the macro environment analysis, apply any relevant models / theories to the scenario under discussion.

Industry Environment Analysis
• With the aid of the secondary data gathered from the public domain, analyze the Industry feasibility.
• Discuss about the industry growth factors.
• You must conduct a competitor analysis as well.

• When doing the industry analysis, apply any relevant models / theories to the scenario under discussion

Market Analysis
• With the aid of the secondary data gathered from the public domain, analyze the Market conditions.
• When doing the Market analysis, apply any relevant models / theories to the scenario under discussion.

SWOT Analysis
• Evaluate the capacities and capabilities of the company and also to identify potential Opportunities and Threats.
• When doing this analysis, you may apply any relevant models / theories to the scenario under discussion.

Risk Assessment

Critical Success Factors
• Identify and explain the critical success factors for the proposed business development idea and how those can be achieved.

5. Discussion, Conclusions & Recommendations
(Approximate Word count 1500)

Strategic Business Unit Plans (SBU Plans)
Identify the departments from which you need the support to implement the proposed business idea.
Then prepare plans for each of those key departments

Each SBU plan should cover the following areas:
• Objectives & Time Scales
• Action Plans & Strategies
• Resourcing & Deployment
• Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
• Monitoring & Review
• SBU Budgets

Financial Projections for the Proposed
Business Development Option
Start-up Capital Breakdown
- The initial start up capital requirements for the proposed new development ( i.e for either a product development or market development or market penetration or diversification concept) must be given in the form of a table.

- Provide the breakdown of the ways the start-up capital is going to be spent for initial set-up costs.

- Provide the breakdown of the sources of start-up capital.

Working Capital Requirement

- Working capital is the amount of funds needed to run the day to day activities of a business.

- In general, it is calculated as the difference between the current assets (excluding cash and cash equivalent) and the current liabilities.

The following financial information needs to be furnished nunder financial plan,

Quarterly based cash budgets - Cash budgets consist of four quarters should be prepared for each year for three years.

Budgeted Income statements - Three separate annual income statements should be prepared for three years.

Budgeted statement of financial position at the end of the third year should be depicted to show the financial position at the end of the third year.

Breakeven Analysis

Sensitivity analysis for the 1st year income statement.

Ratio analysis

Cost Management

Sensitivity Analysis

Take the first year income statement and change two key variables (Eg: Selling price, Sales Units or cost of sales) by percentages of your choice.

Show the impact of the changes in separate columns next to the original income statement column under the sensitivity analysis.

Ratio analysis
Calculate the following ratios for all three years and show the progress.

The following ratios should be calculated and interpreted.
• Gross profit ratio
• Net profit ratio
• Current ratio
• ROE (Use the Owner's fund)
• Calculate two more ratios of your choice based on the nature of your business.

Cost Management

Provide the methods to control costs such as,
• Proper budgetary control system
• Training and education of employees
• Continuous performance evaluation

Schedule for Implementation
Graphically illustrate the implementation process of the proposed business development idea with the aid of a Gantt chart.

6.0 References

• Should be according to the Harvard referencing system.

• Should organize the References list according to alphabetical order.

7.0 Bibliography
• Should be according to the Harvard standards.

• Should organize the list of Bibliography according to alphabetical order.

8.0 Appendices
• If you have appendices in your BDP, it should add value to the contents of the BDP.

Reference no: EM133335510

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