Reference no: EM131249404 , Length: 2
Write the given assignment in 2 pages.
Choosing research topic is the next step.
It is recommended that you choose a topic you would like to investigate related to your major.
The next step is to do some brainstorming about your topic. Brainstorming will help you think about your topic from different angles and consider different aspects of your topic. There are a number of different brainstorming methods, likeasking questions about your topic,outlining, and creating concept maps using websites like bubble.usandMindmeister. You can use any of these tools, or you can just put pencil to paper and let the ideas flow.
The last step this week is to consider and write your research questions and reflect on the process. The Writing Your Research Question Worksheetwill lead you through the process of creating research questions.
Must create at least three research questions that are open-ended; address a controversy, issue, or problem; and address your topic in a way that you can take a stand. Writing an open-ended question is sometimes a challenge so take a look at the How to Ask an Open-Ended Question handout before you get started.
Then reflect on the process of doing background research and refining your topic.
Attachment:- Brainstorming.rar
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