Reference no: EM131852780
Learning Activities -
Learning Activity 1
During the previous week , you identified the generic strategic direction for your selected company. It is now time for you to identify specific alternative strategies for implementation.
Focusing on the same company as in your Week 3 DQs and Week 4 DQs, and based on the strategic direction that you identified in Week 4, you are expected to:
Requirement 1:
Reiterate briefly (a) the same company and (b) its generic strategy direction as you have uncovered in your W4 Learning Activity.
Requirement 2:
Create either at least four (4)corporatelevel strategies or at least three (3) businessunitlevel strategies, [that is, three specific upperlevel strategies] that the focal organization should pursue to achieve the identified strategic direction.
Requirement 3:
Keep in mind that all of these alternative strategies MUST fit under the umbrella of the strategic direction that you identified last week.
Please note sequential levels of strategies
Generic strategy → Corporatelevel strategy → Businessunitlevel strategy
Requirement 4:
Explain in full details (1) each alternative strategy, and (2) the reason "why each alternative is a good possibility" for achieving the strategic direction.
Support the rationale of each of your explanations.
Requirement 6:
Use the appropriate APA formatted scholarly reference source and corresponding intext citations in all your postings.
Learning Activity 2
Requirement 1:
Use the alternative strategies that you identified in Learning Activity 1 of W5 as the focal points for the quantitative analysis
Requirement 2:
Complete all the necessary computations by using the analytic tool QSPM matrix to review the strategic alternatives as identified this week in Learning Activity # 1 to identify just ONE strategy out of the four strategies in W5 DQ1) to move forward.
In other words, create your own QSPM and show all the appropriate math within that QSPM, so that you can compare and contrast the weighted scores for the whole pool of three alternative strategies, andidentify that optimal strategy based on the computed outcomes of
this quantitative analysis
Requirement 3:
Provide a detailed explanation of theONE strategy identified by using this QSPM tool, and explain with at least 3 underlying reasons why that quantitatively optimal strategy iscritical to the organization's future success.
Support the rationale of each of your explanations.
Requirement 4:
Use the appropriate APA formatted scholarly reference source and corresponding intext citations in all your postings.