Create application to support sales and marketing functions

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM132170519

MS Access Project

Problem Overview:

Scenario: You have been asked to create an application to support the sales and marketing functions of a company that manufactures and sells snowboards.

As part of that application, you will create a Microsoft Access database that will support recording sales transactions.

As a proof of concept, you will create some sample forms and queries that will demonstrate how this application might function as a decision support system for the Sales and Marketing Departments.

Step 1: Create Tables

- Using MS Access, create a product table, a customer table, and an order according to the following specifications. Use the names, datatypes, and descriptions as indicated.

Step 2: Enter Data Into Tables

- After you create the three tables using Access, you will need to enter some test data into these tables. Enter the data, as indicated, for the appropriate table. Pay attention to detail and enter the information as written. Print and label the tables after adding the data.

Step 3: Create Online Forms

- After you have entered the data into the three tables, create three forms for entering and editing the data in the tables. Remember, forms are designed to be used by other users to manipulate a single record at a time, so you will need to make them as intuitive as possible. Print a copy of each form.

Step 4: Create Online Reports

- After you have entered the data into the three tables, create three reports for displaying the table data. Remember, reports are designed to be used and viewed by other users, so you will need to make them informative. Use the report formatting features and be creative. Print a copy of each report.

Step 5: Create Queries

- The Sales and Maketing Departments would like to use the data in these tables for the purpose of querying the database in order to get answers to specific questions. Construct the following queries and print the results. You will need to link the tables together by using the primary keys. Print the queries results that answer the following questions.

- List the customer information (all fields) for all customers in Colorado (CO).
- List the customer information (all fields) for customers who purchased a Halfpipe snowboard.
- List the customer information (all fields) for customers who purchased a snowboard using a Passport or MiseryCard credit card.

Attachment:- LSCM- Access Project.rar

Verified Expert

" This is an MS Access Project. There are tables, relationships etc. Based on the data and the relationships, there are queries."

Reference no: EM132170519

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12/19/2018 1:34:03 AM

This is a MS Access project and the assignment is quite tough. I am thankful for choosing the services of Experts Mind they delivered the exact solution and before deadline. Again thanking you for the same..

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