Create and use at least one loop in function

Assignment Help Simulation in MATLAB
Reference no: EM13910391


Make a main m-file that you use to run and call your function file. Give it a unique name. Make sure and include your name, your section, and date at the top of the m-file. Suppress any extraneous info; only output what is useful and what follows the intent of your program.

1. Create and use at least one anonymous function somewhere in your program.

2. Make a useful function m-file. That is, create and use at least one user-defined function Use comments immediately below the function definition line that describe what the function does and its inputs and outputs.

3. Utilize proper coding and documentation practices. Comment throughout both the main m-file and the function m-file. Create at least one section (cells).

4. Create and use either one subfunction or one nested function within your function mfile.

5. Use some type of numerical approximation technique like Runge Kutta, Euler's method, Midpoint Rule, some type of numeric series, etc.,

6. Create and use at least one loop (for/while/midpoint),

7. Create and use at least one conditional statement,

8. Create at least one plot, including a title and axes labels at a minimum,

9. Output an organized display of your values to a text file that can be opened outside of MATLAB. Include headings so that the display makes sense.

Reference no: EM13910391

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