Create and share a list of the top 3 things

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM1330583

As you prepare for your upcoming Year 2 residency, take some time to think about the characteristics you want in a dissertation chair and in your committee members. Create and share a list of the top 3 things you hope to find in a chair, and the top 6 characteristics you hope to find between your 2 committee members. Explain your choices.

Reference no: EM1330583

Questions Cloud

Explain e-business strategy for grandmas treats : Discuss the specific advantages and disadvantages of doing ecommerce in An insecure open environment
Show the effective recruitment and disciplinary process : Human Resource Case Analysis - Show outlining the pros and cons of having an effective recruitment and disciplinary process in the workplace.
Describing the ethical dilemma : How would you describe the ethical dilemma confronted by the managers at the law firm?
Suppose present market conditions of microsoft corporation : Suppose the present market conditions of Microsoft Corporation.
Create and share a list of the top 3 things : Create and share a list of the top 3 things you hope to find in a chair, and the top 6 characteristics you hope to find between your 2 committee members. Explain your choices.
Finance problems question : Find out the NPV of a project which is expected to pay $10,000 a year for seven years if the initial investment is $40,000 and required return is 15%?
Identifying people having characteristics of great leaders : What are some characteristics of great leaders? Identify two people who you feel possess these characteristics.
Describe a recent high-profile computer security : define a recent high-profile computer security issue that you have heard of or read about. According to basic network security principles, how might the issue have been avoided? Provide at least one resource.
Explain about ebusiness it infrastructure : Can you tell me why is scalability important in building an eBusiness IT infrastructure? Any examples - Discuss strategic opportunities for eCommerce enabled supply chains? Do you have any examples?


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