Create and save your database model in visio file

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM13836671

Name your Visio file using Lab2_, your first initial, and your last name (e.g., Lab2_JSmith.vsd). Create and save your database model in your Visio file. When you are done, submit your database to the Week 3: iLab Course Dropbox.

Create and save your database model in your Visio file. Submit your file to the Week 3: iLab Course Dropbox.

Required Software

Visio 2010

(Visio 2010 is required for this project. Please ensure that you can run Visio 2010 via Citrix or by having it installed on your computer.)

Steps: 1-8

Lab Steps

STEP 1: Business Case

Read the following business requirements closely to determine the entities and relationships needed to fulfill the requirements. The nouns in the paragraph will tell you the entities that will be needed. The verbs in the paragraph will help you determine the relationships between the entities.

Muscles Health Club Database Requirements

The Muscles Health Club needs a database to keep track of its members, their personal trainers, and the fitness classes that they are taking.

Employees can act as personal trainers for members. However, only certified employees can act as personal trainers. A member can work with only one personal trainer at a time.

Members can take multiple fitness classes. Fitness classes are taught by employees who can teach multiple classes. Fitness classes are taught in one of the classrooms at one of Muscles Health Club's several locations.

Each fitness classroom is designed for a different type of class (e.g., spinning, aerobics, water aerobics, weight training, etc.). It is necessary to track what fitness classes are being held in each of the different Muscles Health Club locations.

STEP 2: Using Visio

  • Run Visio 2010 either via Citrix or on your workstation.
  • Click on the Software and Database Template group in the main window.
  • Double-click on the Database Model Diagram Template to open a new file.
  • Save the file with a name containing Lab2_, your first initial, and your last name as the file name (e.g., Lab2_JSmith.vsd). You will need to click the Computer icon in the Save As window to see the different drives. Be sure to save the file to a local drive so it will be on your workstation.

STEP 3: Determine Database Entities

Add an entity for each entity that you identified in the requirements.

  • Drag the Entity icon onto the drawing area in Visio.
  • In the Database Properties window, add a physical name to identify it.

STEP 4: Entity Attributes

For each entity, create a list of attributes that you think would be useful to describe the entity.

  • Select an entity in the drawing area of Visio.
  • In the Database Properties window, select the Columns category.
  • Use the table to add your attributes to the selected entities.
  • Select one of the attributes to be the primary key (PK).

STEP 5: Crow's Feet Notation

Set the diagram to use crow's feet notation.

  • On the Database tab, in the Manage group, click Display Options.
  • In the Database Document Option dialog, select the Relationship tab.
  • Select the Crow's Feet check box, and then click OK.

STEP 6: Entity Relationships

Draw relationships between your entities.

  • Drag the Relationship icon onto a blank part of the drawing area.
  • Connect the two ends to each of the two entities in the relationship. The parent entity must have a PK defined. The entity will be outlined in bold red lines when it connects to one end of the relationship.

STEP 7: Relationship Cardinality

Set the cardinality of your relationships.

  • Select a relationship line in the drawing area that is connecting two entities.
  • In the Database Properties window, select the Miscellaneous category.
  • Select the cardinality for the selected relationship.

STEP 8: Save and Upload to Dropbox

When you are done, save the file on your local hard drive and upload it to the Week 3 Course Dropbox. Your file should have the following filename format: Lab2_FirstInitialLastName.vsd.


Points will be awarded according to the following rubrics.

  • 10 Points: Visio drawing: E-R model is provided as a Visio diagram.
  • 10 Points: Entities: A minimum of four entities is present.
  • 10 Points: Attributes: There are more than two attributes per entity; in most cases, there should be several.
  • 10 Points: Relationships: A minimum of three relationships is present.
  • 10 Points: Cardinality is specified on each relationship with crow's foot notation.

Reference no: EM13836671

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