Create and interface for a company yorktown clothiers

Assignment Help Visual Basic Programming
Reference no: EM131094360

Visual basic

Create and interface for Yorktown Clothiers, a company that operates three retail stores. The company's owner wants an application that allows him to enter the weekly sales made in each store. the application should calculate and display the total weekly sales, as well as the percentage of the total attribued to each store. for example if the owner enters the numbers 4000, 1000, and 5000 as the weekly sales made in store 1, store 2, and store 3, sespectively, then the total weekly sales amount is $10,000. forty percent of the sales come from store 1, ten percent from store 2, and fifty precent from store 3.

Create an algorithm for this, then create a suitable interface in visual basic. also include a picture box, and exit button. be sure to assign names to the appropriate controls. also be sure to assin access keys and set the tab order. Code the exit buttons click event procedure so that it ends the application.

Reference no: EM131094360

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