Create and implement class called date to store month

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM1391654

Create and Implement the class called Date which has data members to store month (as a number), day, year, and name of month. The class must have a three-parameter constructor which permits the data to be set at time of new Data object instances are created. Default constructor which does not take any parameters must set default values of 1 (month), 1 (day), 2001 (year). Class must have following three member functions to show date following formats

showDate1() must display the date in 1/1/2001format
showDate2() must display the date in January 1, 2001 format
showDate3() must display the date in 1 January 2001format

Also the class must have method to set date (setDate()). This method must take month, day, and year as parameters and set object instance data member values.

Reference no: EM1391654

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