Create and fictious athlete

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133639711

Create and fictious athlete. Name the athlete and provide demographic information about the athlete. Paint the picture of this athlete's current situation, as well as athletic goals. Based on your specific athlete, create an comprehensive diet plan for your athlete. Create two days of menus for your athlete. One representing a Training Day or Pre-Event Day and one the Day of Competition.

You must explain how each fits your specific sport - this should not be based on a general macronutrient distribution such as AMDR but on what fits your sport and level. Prescribe/Recommend for your athlete in his/her specific sport/level for training and separate for competition (give references). Show calculations and recommended times of consumption.

As you work on this assignment "pretend" you are working with the athlete. If you have this mind set it will help you to better answer questions. For example, your athlete may ask, "why do I have to eat this now?" Or, "why can't I have this later?" Why can't I have ____ for lunch? This is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your understanding of the material. You need to not only create these menus but also explain WHY they should be followed.

1. The menus that will fuel your athlete properly

2. The dialog/discussion/report that will explain why it is important to follow these menus.

Discuss in understandable terms to your athlete the dangers that will be avoided or minimized and the benefits that can accompany following the menus.

Use the following 6 bolded headings to guide your discussion:

1. Review General Description of athlete and sport

2. Menu charts

3. Dietary guidelines/needs and rationale for pre, event, and post times based on workouts discussed previously (show calculations for determining calorie and protein needs)

4. Hydration guidelines/needs and rationale for pre, event, and post times.

5. Specific nutrition information and recommendations to help prevent, reduce, or alleviate issues presented in Part 1

6. Any supplements or ergogenic aids that would be beneficial. These recommendations may be included as bullet points.

Reference no: EM133639711

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