Create an xml file with markup tags

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM13191935

Exercise 1

The following is a fragment of an XML document instance. Identify all the places where it fails to match the constraints for well-formedness.

<Procedure><Title>Advance Notice of Sick Leave</title><intro>All employees are required to provide at least one week's notice of sick leave. <p> The formal procedure is as follows.<intro><step>As soon as you know that you intend to take leave, obtain the following <?step><Item>Doctor's note</item> <ITEM>Application form </ITEM><item Manager's agreement</item><step>Complete the form and submit it to personnel</step><STEP>Personnel will confirm agreement within two working days, or <br>Deny sick leave <step><note>NOTE: Once agreed, sick leave cannot be cancelled or postponed <STEP>For postponement, a new form must be submitted</NOTE></procedure><Signed> A Nutter <Title> Head of Personnel</Signed></Title>

Exercise 2

Create an XML file with markup tags and some sample data to represent a list of invoices. Include the XML tags for two invoices in the list. Also, assume the invoices are created from a database whose tables are shown in the following database relationship diagram.

2178_Create an XML file with markup tags.png

That is, the invoice header information is stored in the table invoice. The invoice table is linked to lines, which hold the many line items of the invoice. Each line item is linked to a product containing information on the particular product, which in turn is linked to the suppliers table where information on the supplier of the product can be found.

Exercise 3

Modify the XML document in Exercise 2 to include a namespace URL from which the elements of the XML document in Exercise 3 will be associated with. Make any changes to the XML document that are necessary as a result of the namespace URL inclusion.

Create an actual Web page document which is referenced by the namespace URL, and include any information you feel necessary.

Reference no: EM13191935

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