Create an outline of your researched argument essay

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Reference no: EM132469653

Assignment: Overview: When you write a complex research argument, planning plays an important role in the clarity and success of your argument. Getting feedback on your essay in the outline stage can help make final revisions easier. For this assignment, you will create an outline of your researched argument essay with a completed introductory paragraph and conclusion paragraph, and submit them for peer review.

You should spend approximately 2 hours on this assignment.

Instructions: 1. Post your outline for the Module 5 Assignment: Researched Argument Essay, with completed introduction and conclusion paragraphs, by the date listed on the Course Schedule.

2. Save your document as a .doc or .pdf file, and attach it to your posting. Post your draft early; if you post your draft late, you may not receive feedback. Include a short version of your title in the subject line of your post.

3. Think: Here are some questions to consider while doing your outline and introduction/conclusion peer reviews:

Introduction: • Does the introduction give you a clear picture of the topic?

• Does the introduction include a clear, specific, argumentative thesis sentence?

Body paragraphs: • Does the outline seem to argue directly for the writer's position or thesis using effective, specific evidence?

• Is there evidence of source usage to improve credibility?

• Are there places where information is lacking?

• Does the essay effectively address and refute a counterargument?

Conclusion: • Does the conclusion paragraph synthesize the main points and provide closure?

• Does the conclusion paragraph help the readers understand the main point of the essay?

4. Write: Complete a thorough peer review for at least two classmates, in which you respond to the above eight (8) questions; number your 8 responses for clarity. And remember that you will not receive credit for posting a peer review unless you have posted your own draft in this interactive peer-review workshop. Post each review your review by replying to the writer's post in the forum. Choose an essay that has either not yet been reviewed or that has only one review so far. Offer as much feedback as possible:

• Give advice on how to make the changes you suggest.

• Be specific!

5. Post one original post (with your essay draft), and reply to at least two of your classmates. In your replies to peers, give your peers specific feedback on their essays as outlined above. Point out strengths. Ask questions and give pointers to help them improve further. Refer specifically to the resources provided in this module.

6. Don't forget that your initial posting is due by the date listed in the Course Schedule. Please post over several days. Points will be lost if you post on only one day of the module.

Reference no: EM132469653

Questions Cloud

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Discuss the relationship between us and russia : Globalization may have considerable beneficial and detrimental effects on various countries. Using what you've learned from this module, share your thoughts.
Create an outline of your researched argument essay : When you write a complex research argument, planning plays an important role in the clarity and success of your argument. Getting feedback on your essay.
What three most important takeaways from the material : What are the three most important takeaways/lessons from the material provided in this online course and why? How did material provided in this course assist
Important to recognize the role played by informatics : As a nurse practicing in today's healthcare delivery systems, It is important to recognize the role played by informatics and understand the importance
What would have been the significance of finding : If you had heard bowel sounds occurring about 15 times per minute in 1-2 quadrants while examining Tina, what would have been the significance of this finding?
What speech is protected under the first amendment : What speech is protected under the first amendment and what speech is excluded from first amendment protection? And why?


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