Reference no: EM133647016
Case: After watching the video, create an original discussion post that does the following:
Video Connection (one hundred words): Provide a brief, but detailed, summary of the video and explain how the theory reflects what you watched in the video(s). (In other words, explain how the video(s) reflects the theory.)
Original Connection (one hundred words): Come up with an example of the theory operating in another case, such as a recent news event. The example should be about crime.
Reaction (one hundred words): React by describing (1) what thoughts or feelings the video(s) elicited and (2) whether and why you think the theory best explains what happened in the video(s) and in your example.
Recall: your Video Connection should be in one paragraph, your Original Connection in a second paragraph, and your Reaction in another paragraph (i.e., you should have 3 distinct paragraphs).
The theory being used for this is Anomie/Strain, simply think of anomie as a societal breakdown of commonly held ideas about what is "right" and "wrong." When a society is in a state of anomie, there are less cultural controls holding back bad behavior.
Referencing an article written by Merton there are a couple things you should know from it. One is the argument that a lot of crime in the U.S. happens because people herein place particular importance on being successful (e.g., making a lot of money) but not everyone will achieve it.
In essence, Merton is saying that some people commit crime because they want something they can't actually have, yet society tells them that can have it and should want it. American society is in a state of anomie, then, in that the emphasis on success reduces the importance of gaining success in the so-called "right way," the result of which is more crime.
secondly, he alludes to the idea that people get "strained," which basically means stressed, by their inability to achieve what society tells them they can and should achieve. The idea of strain theory, basically, is that when people get stressed, they are more likely to commit crime.