Create an interview guide with open ended questions

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM132856085

Purpose: Interview Components:

¡ Interview Guide¡ Name¡ APA format Introduction

To create an Interview Guide with questions about the impact of COVID on Hospitality that you will use while conducting an In-Depth Interview with your fellow class peers or industry employees or customers.

¡ Title Page

¡ Include an Interview Introduction as discussed in slides

¡ Interview - Approx. 7-10 questions with possible follow-up questions

¡ Create an Interview Guide with open ended questions to ask your class peers or people that you know in the industry about their experience with the impact of COVID on hospitality and their thoughts on the next 6 months OR for customers and their experiences and future plans

-  No rating scales or yes no - write open questions without response options

-  Focus on less questions that give lots of detail (around 7-10 questions)

-  Still capture some background info like experience/position in the industry but nothing identifying (no name, address, phone number)

-  Include an Introduction, Questions and Closing (see slide 6)

¡ Leave adequate space for detailed responses to be recorded

Interviews (No Marks - data collection instead of lecture for Week 12)

  • You will be required to interview 5 of your class peers and /or people you know in the industry who have knowledge of the impact of COVID on hospitality OR customers
  • Please DO NOT meet face to face. Please use some kind of virtual tool or phone to conduct your interview (all GC students have access to a WebEx account if needed)
  • Do not just email your questions for them to complete as you need an opportunity to probe for further detail (you could email back and forth if necessary but not as effective)
  • Ensure you are either recording your interview or taking very detailed notes to ensure enough detail for your summary
  • You do not need to hand in the interviews to me - you will be using the data to complete your interview summary.

Reference no: EM132856085

Questions Cloud

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