Create an initial erd for the new system

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13761979


After completing the user interface, input, and output design for the new information system, you will now focus on the data design of the DBMS that will support the system. Begin by reviewing the DFDs that you prepared and the object models that you created.

1. Create an initial ERD for the new system that contains at least eight entities.

2. Analyze each relationship to determine if it is 1:1, 1:M, or M:N.

3. Normalize your designs for all tables to ensure they are 3NF, and verify that all primary, secondary, and foreign keys are identified properly. Update your ERD to reflect any changes.

4. Review the Data Dictionary you created in Chapter 5 and double-check all data dictionary entries. Make sure that the entries for data stores, records, and data elements are documented completely and correctly. Determine what codes, if any, will be used and be sure they are documented in the data dictionary.

Reference no: EM13761979

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