Create an informative website about topic that interests you

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM131441829


Instructions: Create an informative website about any topic that interests you. Make sure that you write the content (the paragraphs of information about your topic) yourself. Do not copy content from other web pages. Your website should contain at least 4-6 paragraphs of information, arranged in a logical manner (using headings and sub-headings appropriately), and it should contain at least 3 HTML pages. Use this as an opportunity to teach me something new about a topic which you are knowledgeable about! You may continue to build on the web page that you created in week 1 and week 2.

You will add a table to your website. You should add a new page to your website and put the table on the new page. The table needs to contain appropriate information pertaining to the topic of your website. The information needs to be appropriately displayed in rows and columns, with appropriate column headers. Do NOT simply use a table for layout (or page structure) purposes. Instead, your table needs to contain categorical information that would logically lend itself to being displayed in a table.

The HTML pages of your website must include all of the following:

Contains the HTML 5 DOCTYPE declaration on each page

1. Correctly uses html, head, and body tags on each page

2. Includes charset, author, keywords, and description meta tags on each page

3. Use title tags to give each page an appropriate title

4. Link all pages to an external style sheet (.css file)

5. Appropriate navigation between pages of your website, using local hyperlinks (coded with relative paths)

6. Create a table containing data or information appropriate for display with a table and is logically organized in the table

7. Give the table a border of at least 1 pixel

8. Include a caption for your table, using the table caption tag

9. Include headers for each column, using table row and table header tags

10. Include at least three rows of data in your table, using table row and table data tags

11. Format your table as indicated in the list below, using appropriate CSS properties and values

Your external style sheet (.css file) must include all of the following:

Appropriate CSS for main elements in your page (body, headings, horizontal rules, images, etc.), such as page background color, text color, font types, font sizes, font colors, width, height, float, margin, etc. (Basically, this refers to the CSS you added to your website in Assignment 2, so fix any errors or omissions from the last assignment before adding the new code below to your CSS file).

1. Give your table an appropriate border width, line style, and color

2. Give your table header and table data cells an appropriate border width, line style, and color

3. Specify an appropriate horizontal and vertical alignment for the content in your table header cells

4. Specify an appropriate horizontal and vertical alignment for the content in your table data cells

5. Specify an appropriate amount of padding around the content in your table header and table data cells

6. Give your table an appropriate background color

7. Give your table an appropriate width (using percentage instead of pixels)

8. Add any additional CSS properties that you would like for your table (optional)

Before submitting your web site:

1. Validate all HTML files at and fix any errors that the validator identifies before submitting your web site for grading.

2. Validate all CSS files at and fix any errors that the validator identifies before submitting your web site for grading.

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Reference no: EM131441829

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