Create an infinite game loop

Assignment Help Python Programming
Reference no: EM131804198


This assignment is intended to assess your skills in understanding and interpreting a moderately complex problem, designing a solution to the problem, and implementing the design using principles of correct syntax, layout, and program structure. The objectives are to produce a program that:

- Follows the specifications accurately.
- Implements programming principles covered in the course i.e. is well structured, is reasonably efficient, and demonstrates little to no errors.
- Has been thoroughly tested.
- References are appropriate.

- Obeys the Unitec programming standards.


It is your responsibility to clarify any unclear aspect of the assignment with your lecturer.

The work is designed as an Individual Assignment.

Before the due date, you must give a presentation to demonstrate your submitted program.

Demonstrations will be held in the week of submission, and are compulsory, or your assignment may not be marked.

This assignment must be your own work.

You must then convert your design into a Python program. Your final program must compile correctly using Python IDLE as configured in Unitec computing labs. Your final program should be error free and well laid out.

Assignment information

A text-based game, using programming principles discussed in class.


(User Input)

Create an infinite game loop which will ask the user to enter commands.

Your program should interpret commands the user enters and perform actions accordingly.

o If the user types 'help', a message displaying all available commands will be displayed to the user.

If the user types 'quit', the program will end.

Your program should recognize commands regardless of capitalization. For example, if the user types 'Help',

'HELP', or 'help', they should all give the same output.

(Map) Your program should display a map which lets the user know which room they are in, relative to the entire map.

The map should look like this:

As the player progresses through the game, it updates the map displaying which room they are in (marked as x)

(Navigation)o Throughout your program the user will need to progress through a series of rooms. o Your program should allow the user to progress through these rooms, only by typing the designated command for that room. (E.g. room #1: the player must type 'crawl' to progress, room #2: the player must type 'climb' to progress, etc.)

It is up to you to decide which commands the player must type to proceed. Do not repeat the same command name for different rooms.

(Additional features) Add some extra functionality to the other rooms to make the game more interesting/difficult for the player.

Verified Expert

This program is a text-based game built in Python 3 where the player will have to traverse through a series of rooms starting from 1 to 8 with the help of commands available. Along with that, there are two mini-puzzles in the game to make it more interesting and challenging: Guessing game and Sort the array. Several other functionalities are available through commands like help, save, load, map, quit. The program contains only built-in Python 3 functions and thus no extra python bindings are needed to run the program. PyCharm Community 2017.3 has been used to develop the game.

Reference no: EM131804198

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1/9/2018 1:40:03 AM

This assignment must be your own work. . You must then convert your design into a Python program. Your final program must compile correctly using Python IDLE as configured in Unitec computing labs. Your final program should be error free and well laid out. Submission Your final submission should contain: All your source code, error-free. >Any additional notes.

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