Create an individual report based on the organisation

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM132435672

MBA401 People, Culture and Contemporary Leadership - Kaplan Business School

PART A - Group In-Class Activity

Your Task

There are two core components to this activity: to develop a draft report framework (plan) as a group in- class activity and then using that framework (plan) create an individual report based on the organisation's/companies Human Resource practices, workforce performance, culture and employee engagement.

Assessment Description

PART A (In-Class Draft Report Framework)

In Week 2/3/4 in-class groups (of 4 students) will be formed and the group will need to select an Australian organisation/company of your choice from the Australia's top 200 listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX). You can find the list of companies

However, you CANNOT select organisation/company from the Banking, Airline, Supermarkets or the Telecommunication Sectors. You should not be choosing a Franchise Company. You should discuss your ideas with your before commencing

PART B - Individual Report

By looking at the organisation's/company's website and Annual Reports, you will be able to see whether it is possible to access enough information about its Human Resource (HR) practices to address the following:
1. How is your selected organisation/company trying to improve the performance of its workforce?
• Include at least one performance related initiative and one way in which its success could be measured
2. How is your selected organisation/company trying to improve its culture?
• Include at least one culture-based initiative and identify the type of culture prevalent within the organisation/company
3. How is your organisation trying to improve their rates of employee engagement?
• Include at least one employment-based initiative and the likelihood of success?

The group-work in-class component will provide you with an opportunity to assess your choice of organisation/company and its Human Resource practices. Students studying online will be provided with additional information.
Assessment Instructions
- You MUST use the same organisation/company as you used in Part A (Group Work)
- Using a Report Format, include the following components:
o Introduction (150 words)
o Performance Related Initiatives (400 words)
o Culture Related Initiatives (400 words)
o Engagement Related Initiatives) (400 words)
o Conclusion (150 words)
o Reference List (using the Harvard Referencing Convention throughout your report and reference list at the end)
- You should include a minimum of 5 references (contemporary business articles, news items and/or comparison websites). While many of your references will rely on the organisation/company's website, you cannot use this as your only source of information.

Attachment:- Culture and Contemporary Leadership.rar

Verified Expert

The current assignment has focused on exploring the contemporary leadership of Santos. The performance relative initiatives of Santos have been discussed in the solution. The role of leadership in the attainment and management of employee satisfaction have been explored as well.

Reference no: EM132435672

Questions Cloud

Computing the dollar amount consumer surplus : Problem: The market for potatoes has a demand given by: QD= 190-0.4P and a supply given by QS=4P-250. The market-clearing price in this market is $100.
Calculate the break even price : Calculate the break even price (answer is 4.40, please explain how to get there)
Explain the Islamic Factions : Explain the Islamic Factions in terms of Seljuk Turks, Abbasid Empire-during the Crusades, Fatimid Caliphate (Shia), Saladin (founder of the Ayyubid Dynasty)
Examine how the medieval account of human nature aligns : Examine how the medieval account of human nature aligns with your own experience of human action. Explain and analyze your observations.
Create an individual report based on the organisation : Develop a draft report framework as a group in- class activity and then using that framework (plan) create an individual report based on the organisation
Digital footprint-privacy vs. security : In the news we are constantly hearing about security breaches, invasion of personal privacy, and the increasing prevalence of our digital footprint.
Why is the lack of honor by the family eliminated by Luke : Contrast Mark 6:4 and Luke 4:24. Why is the lack of honor by the family eliminated by Luke?Contrast Mark 14:3-9 and Luke 7:36-50. Is there any Lukan element
Calculate the amount of profit : If there is an arbitrage profit opportunity, then describe the strategy that you will use to realise the profit and calculate the amount of profit
Deficiencies in clinical use of technology : The role of managers and technology. Ways to improve healthcare outcomes and reduce cost through new technology. Deficiencies in clinical use of technology


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