Create an experimental plan to investigate the feasibility

Assignment Help Dissertation
Reference no: EM132082887 , Length: 70 pages

Project Title: Feasibility study of a camera system for quality control in composite manufacturing.

Create an Experimental plan to investigate the Feasibility of a proposed Camera System to measure composite orientation.
Create a test rig.
To process and Evaluate data in MATLAB.

Literature review of current carbon fiber measurement systems.
Setup of a test rig to evaluate the proposed machine vision systems.
Build and experimental evaluation of a camera network for 3D fiber measurement.

Project Outline and Objectives

The major project is the single most important element in the assessment of performance for the Masters Programme. It follows that students should choose their project carefully to ensure that the maximum benefit can be obtained, and that a high level of commitment and motivation is maintained throughout.

In the case of projects associated with a company the University will attempt to meet confidentiality requirements and matters relating to Intellectual Property Rights and commercial sensitivity. The Programme Director will arrange for confidentiality documents to be signed by the Registrar. Supervisors do not have the right to sign such documents. Part-time students should normally be able to identify a mentor at a senior level within their employing organisation.

The major project accounts for 60 credits.

Assessment will be against a marking scheme, pre-agreed prior to start of the project. The assessment will be 100% final report and viva. The objective of both the final report is to concisely present the project in a readable form, and to provide a basis for the measurement of the student's level of progression and professional competence.

The purpose of the viva is to assess the student's ability to communicate the project goals and outcomes. The format will be nominally be an hour long at the most which will consist of presentation of project details and results to the supervisor and the 2nd reader combined with question and answer session.

Reference no: EM132082887

Questions Cloud

Propose a solution that will relieve friction : Prepare a five to seven (5-7) slide PowerPoint presentation for your staff meeting that addresses this issue and proposes a solution.
How managers should motivate individuals : Explain the challenges posed by managing, and working within, a diverse team. In your explanation, include how managers should motivate individuals.
What is the corporate tax rate in the countries : What is the corporate tax rate in the countries you are considering expanding your business to, and how will that affect your decision.
Difference between direct and indirect communication : What is the difference between direct and indirect communication can you give me an example of both.
Create an experimental plan to investigate the feasibility : MSc Major Project - Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering - Loughborough University - Create an Experimental plan to investigate the Feasibility
Circumstances that contributed to the shortfall : Have you ever tried or watched someone else try to manage a budget or time only to come up short at the end of the week or month?
With corporate social responsibility do corporations : With corporate social responsibility do corporations typically support whatever will attract customers? Do companies want us to believe that they are invested
How does management use the budgets to gain insight : What is the difference between a static budget and a flexible budget? How does management use these budgets to gain insight into performance?
Internet for elements of an effective job interview : You will need to prepare for this forum discussion by researching the internet for elements of an effective job interview.



8/10/2018 10:55:57 PM

Conclusions: The important findings of the previous chapters should be clearly stated, preferably in “bullet” format. Further work: If appropriate, briefly discuss ideas for further work which have emerged from the project. References: List all references used, by number reference from the text as shown below. Appendices: Include detailed work in an appendix so that the body of the report is uncluttered and easily followed. Acknowledgements: It is courteous to make a brief reference to persons or organisations who have given special assistance. On occasions, particularly with part-time students, it is difficult to know precisely the activities of the student. To overcome this problem the student should ensure that it is crystal clear those activities carried out by the student and those carried out by others, such as team members. The student should not avoid describing detail not carried out by them, but rather to clearly state who did carry out the work.


8/10/2018 10:55:32 PM

The front of the report must be clearly labelled with the author’s name and the title of the project, and the year of submission, and bound using the available cover template which you can download on the module learn site. A certificate of originality should be bound into the report. See attached example. It is not the intention that the major report should become a lengthy tome, rather the opposite. There is no definite limit to the number of pages in the report, but ‘padding’ is likely to be penalised and you should aim for approximately 70 pages (not including contents, cover, and reference list pages). If the report is likely to exceed 100 pages in total then agreement with the supervisor is required to ensure that this is absolutely essential. As a guide the report should only contain information required by anyone wanting to act upon the information, although jargon should be avoided or sufficiently defined for any ‘engineer’ to understand. References 1 and 2 provide guidance on report writing and structure.


8/10/2018 10:55:25 PM

Objectives Form - The Project Objectives Form should be signed and submitted via Learn by Thursday, 1. Major Report – A soft copy of the report must be uploaded to Learn by 31 Formal requests for extensions may be considered, although the end of session makes this extremely short by necessity, and penalty for lateness is reserved. If a company is involved in the project then the student should ensure that they receive an additional copy probably hardbound. The report should be typed in Arial 12-point font, in one and a half line spacing on one side of A4 paper. Adequate margins should be allowed at each side of the page, and each page and figure should be numbered. SI units, together with their correct symbols, must be used.


8/10/2018 10:55:17 PM

Students will be provided with a list of projects during Jan/Feb, and following discussions with the relevant supervisors will be able to submit a proposal to carry out the project. In the case where the student and supervisor are happy to proceed, but where more than one student wants to do the project then allocation will be at the discretion of the supervisor after discussion with interested candidates. The proposal form, providing brief details of the project, and signed by both student and supervisor needs to be presented to the internal examiner (Anish Roy) for registration, after which the student may begin working on the project. Students are allowed to choose their own project in some circumstances. This is especially the case for part-time students where it is usual for the student to carry out a project associated with their working duties. In all self-proposed cases the project needs to be thoroughly discussed with the most appropriate supervisor through the internal examiner. Following approval of the project proposal the above procedure of registration should be followed.


8/10/2018 10:54:59 PM

4/ Experimental theory/Machine theory/Process theory/Software theory 5/ Materials and methods/Experimentation/Modelling/Software design 6/ Results and observations/ Evaluation of manufactured article/ feedback of data into the project. 7/ Discussion (of work and results) 8/ Conclusions (drawn from 7) 9/ Further Work 10/ Acknowledgements 11/ References (see Guidance notes for literature review (Learn) ) 12/ Appendices (to include full Project Gantt Chart)


8/10/2018 10:54:46 PM

Writing Formats for Final Reports The subject matter will, in general, influence the selection of title and sub-titles in the Final Report. An example structure is shown below which would be suitable for a large number of cases. Projects that are design orientated will quite probably require different headings for sections 3, 4, 5 and 6. Title Page Statement of Originality /Abstract (see Guidance notes for Abstract (Learn) ) Contents 1/ Introduction and objectives of the project/investigation 2/ Project planning/ Project Management/reference to the GANTT chart 3/ Survey of existing literature and a critical summary (see Guidance notes for literature review)


8/10/2018 10:54:20 PM

It is possible that during the course of the project significant scientific/engineering developments may be made, which may eventually have some form of exploitable/commercial benefit. If this happens, then students should be aware of the Intellectual Property regulations, which cover all undergraduate students during their time at the University. These can be summarised by Section 35 of the General Regulations for Undergraduate Awards: “The ownership of all apparatus or results, also patents, designs, copyrights, inventions, computer software or other intellectual properties but excluding books, journal articles or theses whether individually or jointly developed or produced, relevant to and arising during the period of a candi date's study with the University shall be vested in or deemed to be assigned to the University. Should the question of exploitation arise, candidates shall be required to take all necessary action to facilitate such exploitation and the University shall negotiate with candidates as to whether they shall participate in the benefit thereof and, if so, on what terms.”


8/10/2018 10:54:02 PM

Citing - Formally recognising within your report, the resources from which you have obtained information. Bibliography - List of sources you have used. References - Detailed description of the item from which you obtained information. There are two main methods of identifying material used within reports, these being: The Harvard (Author-Date) Referencing System The Vancouver (Number-Citation) Referencing System Students are required to use one of these two systems to reference material within reports. Details of these systems can be found on the Projects Learn Server


8/10/2018 10:52:51 PM

PRESENTATION AND VIVA [30%] Organisation and Technical Content: (Weight: 0.06) • Background and statement of the problem. • Statement of project Aims and Objectives. • Clear and coherent structure of the technical information. • Comprehension of breadth & depth of the project work. • Technical understanding and contributions. • Project management/planning. • Conclusions and justification of future work. PLEASE ENTER A MARK OUT OF 100


8/10/2018 10:52:38 PM

Report Structure: (Weight: 0.07) • Follows structural guidelines and page limits detailed in student handbook. • Clear and coherent structure of information and technological terms. • Well presented report with recognised referencing system used throughout. • Use of figures, drawings, tables and any other relevant content. MARKS OUT OF 100.


8/10/2018 10:51:22 PM

PLEASE ENTER A MARK OUT OF 100 Answers to questions: (Weight: 0.18) • Confident, articulate answers to questions. • Demonstrate command of the subject matter. • Convey good depth of understanding in answers. PLEASE ENTER A MARK OUT OF 100 Notes: Viva: 20 min presentation + 30 min Q&A Report: see project guide for report structure, length, font sizes, etc..


8/10/2018 10:51:13 PM

Main Body of Report: (Weight: 0.45) • Comprehension of the breadth and depth of project work. • Understanding of the theory, technical problems and existing methodology. • Application of engineering techniques specific to products or processes. • Development of alternative solutions and own approaches where appropriate. • Quantity and quality of the results generated and their analysis/interpretation. • Discussion of experiments, analysis, and critical evaluation of results. • Conclusions drawn from the main body of the report. MARKS OUT OF 100.


8/10/2018 10:51:08 PM

Marking Scheme: MSc Projects REPORT [70%] Preparatory & Background: (Weight: 0.18) • Project aims and objectives clearly stated. • Introduction and clearly define need for the project and applications. • The project has been identified in context of previous work where applicable. • Literature survey / background study of technical issues. • Correct and consistent use of recognised referencing system. MARKS OUT OF 100.


8/10/2018 10:49:37 PM

References 1 and 2 provide, each page and figure should be numb needs to be thoroughly discussed Discussion (of work and results. example structure is shown below which would be. then students should be aware of the Intellectual Property regulations, which. negotiate with candidates as to whether they shall

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