Reference no: EM131128195
Engineering Design Process Assessment Spring 2016
Honor Code: Aside from the resources on Gantt charts, complete this assignment alone and without access to other materials.
Turn In: Upload a Word or PDF document to Blackboard using the SafeAssign link. Please do NOT include any identifiable information (e.g., your name, your ASU ID, etc.) in the submitted Word or PDF document. Instead, please include your username in the form of the first two letters of your middle name, the first two letters of your mother's maiden name, and two numbers of the day you were born.
Gantt Chart Background: The chart below is a Gantt chart for a proposed design process. Please see accompanying material on a Gantt chart. Briefly, a Gantt shows activities (tasks or events) displayed against time. On the left of the chart is a list of the activities and along the top is a suitable time scale. Each activity is represented by a bar; the position and length of the bar reflects the start date, duration and end date of the activity. Please attempt to understand the purpose and use of a Gantt chart before you proceed with the assignment.
Project Prompt: The Engineers Without Borders (EWB) team from ASU has recently completed a small health clinic to serve a rural town in Nicaragua. At this time, the clinic does not contain examination tables, which are necessary as many proper physical examinations and some treatments require that a person lie down. Thus, the goal of this project is to develop and build an examination bed for the EWB-built clinic in Nicaragua.
Assignment: Critique the proposed 14-week design process to create an examination bed for the clinic in Nicaragua. This process is displayed in the Gantt chart of Figure 1.
• Elaborate on the steps in the design process with specific details.
• Elaborate on specific strategies appropriate to accomplish the steps in the design process.
• Identify the pros (advantages, strengths, etc.) and cons (disadvantages, weaknesses, etc.) of the proposed design process.
Note that no work on this project was done prior to what is shown in the chart.
Note: You are not just reiterating what will be done by the team, but are making judgements about whether their proposed process is good/bad. Be specific.

Figure 1: Proposed Design Process for Examination Beds
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