Create an erd that represents the entities - attributes

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13896207


Overview of business case:

Alive & Boating (A&B) is a small start-up company that sells small boats in Wagga. A&B keeps its models in several showrooms across the city. At this stage customers cannot view the available models online so to order they must visit one of the showrooms. A&B has been using an Excel spreadsheet to track their business activities; however, this has caused many redundancies and inefficiency.

With view to their expanding business and under the new management, they decided to investigate the option of implementing a database system. Accordingly, they hired you to design a relational database to better track and record their operational data.

A&B business rules and instructions for creating your ERD:

1. A&B can get boats from several different manufacturers. Each manufacturer produces one or more different types of boats. Each and every type is produced by only one manufacturer. Every manufacturer is identified by a manufacturer code. The company name, street, city, state, postcode, phone number, and account number are kept in the system for every manufacturer. For each type, the type name (i.e. Paddle, Inflatable, Jet Ski, etc.) and purpose (i.e. fishing, day boating, etc.) are kept in the system.

• Create an ERD that represents the entities, attributes, the relationships between entities, and the cardinality and optionality of each relationship that are described by this business rule

2. Every type has one or more models. Every model is produced as part of a type. For each model, the model number, engine, length, beam, suggested retail price, A&B retail price and dry weight must be kept in the system.

• Add the entities, attributes, the relationships between entities, and the cardinality and optionality of each relationship that are described by this business rule to the same copy of the ERD that you created for business rule 1.

3. Each type's models are stored in a specific warehouse. Each warehouse stores the models of only one type. Each warehouse is identified by a warehouse ID. For each warehouse address, postcode, phone number are kept in the system.

• Add the entities, attributes, the relationships between entities, and the cardinality and optionality of each relationship that are described by this business rule to the same copy of the ERD that you created for business rule 1 and business rule 2.

Reference no: EM13896207

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