Create an erd for this video store case

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13771744

Create an ERD for this video store case.

Turn in an ERD with appropriate relationship sentences. You can use drawing tools in MS Word or MS Visio to create your ERD. Make sure your relationship sentences are consistent with your relationship in your ERD.

AVideo Store (AVS) runs a series of fairly standard video stores. Before a video can be put on the shelf, it must be catalogued and entered into the video database. Every customer must have a valid AVS customer card in order to rent a video. Customers rent videos for three days at a time. Every time a customer rents a video, the system must ensure that this customer does not have any overdue videos. If so, the overdue videos must be returned and an overdue fee paid before the customer can rent more videos. Likewise, if the customer has returned overdue videos, but has not paid the overdue fee, the fee must be paid before new videos can be rented. Every morning, the store manager prints a report that lists overdue videos; if a video is two or more days overdue, the manager calls the customer to remind him or her to return the video. If a video is returned in damaged condition, the manager removes it from the video database and may sometimes charge the customer

Reference no: EM13771744

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