Create an er diagram that will facilitate development of cms

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13759710

Part A Deliverable:

For this phase, you are required to create an ER Diagram that will facilitate the development of CMS's company-wide database.It should be created using ER Assistant and include entities and attributes, relationships, and accompanying notes.You should take a screen shot of your ERD while it is displayed in ER Assistant and paste the screen shot into a Word document.Make sure that the ERD fits on a single sheet and is legible.Accompanying notes should be included on a separate sheet of the document.Name this Word document CMS Project.

Part B Deliverable:

Using ER Assistant, modify your original ERD to accommodate the requirement to allow more than one instance of a given contact type per contract.Also, include new entities and relationships to support benefit tracking in all countries.Depending on your initial design, you may or may not have to modify your ERD to accommodate the new contract types (License and Maintenance).You will also have to account for the introduction of products in the business model.

Attachment:- cms project.docx

Reference no: EM13759710

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