Create an enum type and say cartype

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM132098942

please need help with the java program

A micro car rental company.

package yourLastName.cis4110.assignment5;

Please create an enum type, say Cartype, featuring all rental car types -- SUBCOMPACT, COMPACT, MIDSIZE, FULLSIZE

(You may put the enum definition in Car class)

class Car

Instance variables:

- private String plateNum

- private Cartype carType

- private boolean availability

Member methods:

- Please define all setters and getters

class RentACar - This is a five car system for prototyping

instance variables:

- Car rentalCars[5] //a constant size so that you don't have to worry about handling the flexible size of the array.

member methods:

- public void setRentalCars(Car[] rentalcars) // array as a formal param

- public Car[] getRentalCars() //array as a return type; pay attention to deep copy

- public String rentACar(cartype) // eg. rentACar(Car.cartype.COMPACT);

return plateNum if available, otherwise null or empty string "" //search through the rental car list and find the first available car of the type matching the argument; //Please note, once the car is rented, the car's availability should be set to false or 0.

-returnACar(platNum) //Reset the car's availability to true

classManageCars// or any name if you'd like. Put your main() function here to test your program.

In your main()

1). You may manually create five Car objects here, say Car[] myRentalCars = new Car[5]. No need to use Scanner to ask user to input data to save time. e.g.: You may directly put - rentalCar[0] = new Car(); rentalCar[0].setPlateNum("P1"); rentalCar[0].setCarSize(Car.rentalcar.COMPACT); rentalCar[0].setAvailability(true); or using a Car constructor of three parameters e.g.: new Car("P1", Car.rentalcar.COMPACT,1);

2). Create a CarRental object, say myRental

3) myRental.setRentalCars(myRentalCars);

4) Put a few calls to rentACar() and returnACar() of myRental to test your program. e.g.: myRental.rentACar(Car.cartype.COMPACT); myRental.rentACar(Car.cartype.MIDSIZE); myRental.returnACar("PlateNo1");

To add any additional properties, methods if necessary

Reference no: EM132098942

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