Create an entity-relationship model for the Hokie Hotel

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131666922

Assignment - Review of Relational DBMS Concepts

1) Describe the data required for the Hokie Hotel presented in the situation described in this file: DBProblemDescriptionHokieResorts-1.docx.

2) Create an entity-relationship model for the Hokie Hotel business situation using UML class notation. This Visio file contains a template that you can use: Assignment1TemplateV1.vsdx.

3) Explain why your entity-relationship model is in third-normal-form (or justify if not 3NF).

4) Create the SQL DDL that creates the 10 most important tables represented in your UML Class diagram.

Directions: Create a MS Word document that contains your description of the data needed, ER model (which should be created with Visio or other drawing tool with UML class diagram template), relational model associating attributes with classes, and your explanation of your database normal form.

You should create your DDL file using Notepad++, which will help you to check syntax and aids our grading process. When completed, please upload your Word document and DDL text file under the "Assignments" tab.  Please use a document naming convention that allows us to determine your name.  EXAMPLE: "LastName_FirstName_Assn1.docx or .txt .sql".

Assessment - Your ER diagram, normal form explanation, and DDL will be evaluated for correctness and completeness. Correctness is how well your model represents the problem, e.g., the model includes the correct entities and relationships among them, along with appropriate attributes. Completeness is how well your model satisfies all of the requirements of the problem situation.

Attachment:- Assignment Files.rar

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In this assignment we have create the er diagram from current senario. In this assignment we have create the table and perform the operations like inser and the er digram we have done relationship and make operation to make the table in normalization form.

Reference no: EM131666922

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Subject: Advanced Database Management Systems. Detailed Question: Please provide quote based on guidelines and submissions instructions in the attached document. Briefly describe the data for the Hokie Hotel, 1 page. (5 points) Using UML Class Diagramming notation, create a complete model for all of the data needed for this business situation. Use MS Visio or other tool to draw your diagram. Do not add attributes to the diagram. Record your attributes as a relational model, i.e., class name and list of attribute names, e.g., Patient(C_Patient_PA, T_PatientFirstName_PA, d_BirthDate_PA). Use the following naming convention for your attributes: c_ indicates a key or foreign key attribute; d_ is a date variable; i_ indicates an integer, n_ indicates some numeric value with decimal places, and t_ indicates an attribute contains a text or string value. Also, add a two character class abbreviation, e.g., _pa, indicating the class the attribute is in the Patient table. Note any assumptions. (20 points)


10/3/2017 1:47:30 AM

Evaluate your model to determine its normal form. Briefly, 1 paragraph, explain what normal form your model is in and why this is the appropriate normal form. Note any assumptions. (10 points) Write the create table SQL statements needed to implement the ten most important tables in your relational model. Be sure to include appropriate constraints for keys and foreign keys. Use Notepad++ to create a file with .sql extension for this part of the assignment and also submit that file to the assignment 1 folder. (20 points)

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